Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yes to Yvette!

Yvette Cooper for leader of the Labour Party. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Oh please let it be true. Pretty please.


  1. It's 1 April every day at the Evening Standard.

  2. She hasn't got the balls. Oh, hold on...

  3. You stopped laughing far too soon. I'm still laughing from this morning :)

  4. I have this chilling thought that she takes over and doesn't have an election for a year...what could she do in a year? Don't laugh. Always remember Labour see no need to have elections when they change leader. Richard II near destroyed the balance of the country in a year...what could Yvette do?

  5. Someone on Guido was suggesting Prescott as a caretaker PM.....

  6. They thought the same about Thatcher after Heath. An minor education minister leading the party ? LoLcats!

    I hope Labour is out of power soon though so they can get rid of the corruption and power mad ideologues.

  7. The pixie???..are you serious...Hattie would never let that happen....that would be handbags at 10 paces...

    Iain get a grip are you deserting the chipmunk?

  8. Yes please,another expenses fiddler will do wonders for their poll ratings

  9. It's so absurd, I am convinced Brown is now floating these rumours himself to prove that it really is "no time for a novice"

  10. Akheloios said "I hope Labour is out of power soon though so they can get rid of the corruption and power mad ideologues."

    That could be counter-productive. In 1979, the Tories swept to power - Labour were out of office for 18 long years. Then they returned with far more corruption and sleaze than ever before. Gordon Brown's blatant theft of our pensions, for example, would probably make Robert Maxwell blush with embarrassment.

  11. Harriet Manhater or Yvette no ball Cooper.


  12. I was at the pub the other day - unusual in the day and age 'cos no-one can afford it! But I got talking to a little old man - probably about 20 years older than myself (if not that old he certainly looked it!).

    We reminisced about how things used to be better......

    How horrible the country is at the moment .......

    Then I made a big mistake!! I mentioned Gordon Brown!

    I thought I had found a kindred spirit, but no!

    His words to me were "God Bless Gordon Brown - he promised British jobs to British workers and that's what he's doing."

    I started to laugh and then I realised he meant what he was saying.

    I was brought up to respect my elders, so I had to get out of the conversation before I told him he was a complete and utter d*ckh**d!

    The lesson my children is that the left believe any propaganda you put before them!

  13. I chatting to a bunch of northern blokes in the queue at mamma MIA when the subject of harmman came up. She will never get a working mans voteone said. We rather vote for thatcher than her.

  14. Is Yvette Cooper as Labour leader really any more funny than Ed Balls, either Miliband or Harriet Harman? Come to that is it any funnier than John Prescott as deputy PM or Margaret Beckett as Foreign Secretary or .......

  15. The joke is it's Yvette or Harriet, because the Labour party wants a female candidate.

  16. Labour should take a lesson from the Thatcher years.

    They should kill off their leader in private and face to face.

    Labour's current process of leadership removal, seems to require a dangerous and intricate game of back stabbing and the sending out of coded hints into the media.

  17. Harman or Balls, either way a wimmin's dictatorship of idiots, fourth world would be an excessively generous term for the resultant mess. The perfect recipe for keeping ZaNuLab out out power for at least a decade.

  18. It's not in the least absurd. Yvette Cooper is easily the most intellectually capable of all the potential women candidates and it's quite obvious to anyone who knows her that she is capable of being Prime Minister - something that could not be said of Ms Harman.

    Yvette is handicapped by the fact that she occupies the most junior position in the Cabinet, and to a lesser extent by the fact that she is seen as junior to her husband, but it should not be forgotten that she has been in the Commons eight years longer than he has.

    Her career has been held back thus far for two reasons. Firstly, she had an attack of ME during Labour's first term which hampered her progress up the ministerial ladder. Second, she incurred the emnity of Tony Blair who refused to promote her to the Cabinet even though she was widely regarded as the most able junior minister of her generation.

    Now that she has finally made it to the top table, it is entirely proper that she should be talked about as a potential Labour leader. In my view, the party could do a lot, lot worse.

  19. Paul, what you say may well be true. But the fact is she is terrible on TV. And that's a vital part of modern day political leadership. Whenever she appears on Newsnight I can almost visualise the extra Tory votes she is gaining for us.

  20. Yes Iain, but these little presentational difficulties can always be overcome - as your heroine Baroness Thatcher demonstrated in the 1970s. When she first took over as Tory leader, she too was terrible on TV - but Gordon Reece and Co gave her a makeover to "soften" her image and she never looked back.

  21. "Pixie" makes her sound rather sweet, which she is utterly, utterly not.

  22. No Hattie Harman please.
