Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Daley (Baker's) Dozen: Thursday

1. Wrinkled Weasel on the Anna Politkovskaya murder.
2. David Ottewell of the Manchester Evening News thinks DraperList ought to be doing rather better.
3. Ellee Seymour on the effects of the recession on women candidates.
4. Dan Hannan reports that MEPs walk out of a speech by Vaclav Klaus.
5. I wonder what Matthew Taylor has done to offend Guido.
6. EU Referendum is far from impressed by the 'naive and arrogant' Declan Ganley.
7. PoliticalBetting on the Yvette Cooper for leader rumours.
8. Tim Montgomerie predicts Parliament won't get to debate quantitative easing.
9. The 0725 to Paddington on the increasing use of bad language by politicians.
10. Nigel Evans on the Blue Blog explains how he has grown up with Sky TV.
11. Against all odds, Luke Akehurst takes Phil Collins to task
12. Alastair Campbell defends himself over defending Peter Mandelson's use of the 'F' Word.


  1. Way off any topic, but I'm looking for a word.

    Suppose that Iain has to make a public speech on the subject of 'Disraeli and One-Nation Conservatism'. Iain knows that David Cameron will be in the audience. In his speech, he launches into a eulogy of Disraeli's skill and compassion, but in this he uses such terms that it is apparent to the audience that he is actually praising Cameron, and all eyes turn to look at the revered party leader.

    Is there a term for this indirect praise? (Other than accusations of toadying for advantage.)

    This is a hypothetical example and I am not suggesting than Iain would stoop so low. (Though Aeschylus did just this for Alcibiades, according to Plutarch.)

  2. Links 8 & 9 are the same...

  3. Damn, I meant to write 'Aristides', not 'Alcibiades'.

  4. Oh the love-in is true! Agreeing with Tim over defs of journalism/interviewer and now a Daily Dozen mention.

    Shucks - wish I'd bet on that one :)

  5. What's Ottewell on about? I don't understand his originalpost and I don't understand his explanation of how the numbers work. Can anyone help me?

  6. You should try using Tweetdeck instead of Twadget. Seems to me that you're oblivious to the unfollowed masses who've been replying to you over the past few months.

  7. I was surprised to see LabourList is doing three times as much trade as you, Iain!

  8. Paul Halsall said "I was surprised to see LabourList is doing three times as much trade as you, Iain!"

    I'm just wondering where Derek Draper managed to get all those Dollybots from myself.

  9. Whilst I'm here, I might as well ask - what the bloody hell is a Tweetdeck?

  10. Paul, it's the other way around. That wasn't hits. That was a league table.

    Tweetdeck is a platform to view Tweets from Twitter on!

  11. Grim Reaper, I'm don't really know but it seems to be better than all the other ones.

  12. Arise, Sir Iain said "Tweetdeck is a platform to view Tweets from Twitter on!"

    Wow, you make it sound like everyone knows what Twitter is about. :p

  13. FYI - bloke on QT said he lived opposite Jacqui Smith all year and never saw her family, saw her protection officers an average 3 times a week 35 weeks a year.

    Go figure ....
