Monday, February 02, 2009

When Carol Met Dave

Live from 1.30, Carol Vorderman with David Cameron on a new strategy for maths teaching.


  1. Not streaming aswell as last weeks environment web-cast, but I shall persevere...

  2. He could do with learning some maths. His sums never add up.

  3. I suppose if people trusted her enough to get into debt with First Direct, they'll trust her yet again!

  4. Remember when the useless cow advertised Benecol?

    "It actually reduces cholesterol"

    With hand gesture to show the great unwashed what "reduces" means.

    Ye Gods, give me strength.

  5. "With hand gesture to show the great unwashed what "reduces" means."

    That gesture, OH was aimed at the people stupid enough to support the worst Government in the history of this Country! People like Draper's Trolls and CP. For them reduce means cut. Can't have that , can we?

  6. I suggest the Conservatives drop her like a hot potato, she has an air of superiority that people don't like!

  7. I don't know anyone who likes her.

    What exactly are her qualifications to tell everyone how to teach maths ?

    As I understand it she is good at mental arithmetic, like lots of darts players, but I cannot imagine that Raymond Barneveld would be the ideal choice to head up such a commission.

  8. Engineer.

    She's a member of Mensa, slightly pretentious...

  9. What a negative bunch of trolls. (above)
    CV will do a great job. She's popular, very bright and showed a lot of grit in getting to Cambridge University from a poverty-stricken background.

  10. @ Norfolk Blogger

    As I understand it she is good at mental arithmetic, like lots of darts players...

    She is a Mech Eng graduate which puts her slightly higher up the evolutionary scale than darts players, and most other people, when it comes to mathematics.

    Does not alter the fact she is a ghastly woman.

  11. Have to agree with 'Bird' ...

    And Chris Paul has a nerve, as Browns best mate's bank runs up a loss of £28 billion and Brown himself runs up the biggest debt in history.

    First Direct and other such offers are ways in which people ALREADY in debt (thanks to Browns encouragement) can manage their way out of it.

    I was reading over the weekend where our wonderful education system is currently churning out countless thousands who are functionally illiterate and innumerate ... so it ill behoves anyone to shoot the messenger.geyed

  12. Is that the same Carol Vorderman that offered to roll peoples loans up taking money from Firstplus?

    Thought so.
