Monday, February 02, 2009

Dawn Butler Is At It Again

You will remember the shameless Labour MP Dawn Butler and her 'letter' from Barack Obama. Well, the brazen hussy has been at it again, touting for votes in the Women In Public Life Awards from her fellow Labour MPs, one of whom was kind enough to forward me the email. There are two other nominations for MP of the year, Margaret Moran and Sharon Hodgson. So all three nominees are Labour Party MPs. I have heard of Margaret Moran but only because I was on a panel with her, but Sharon Hodgson is a mystery to me. Are these three really the best female MPs in Parliament? If so, Houston, we have a real problem.


  1. I am puzzled as to what Whitney has to do with anything...

  2. Oh, come on, don't leave us in suspense, which Labour MP was it?

    I might not agree with her on this whole issue, but surely Nadine Dorries ought to be in there with all the work she did for the Human Embryology and Fertilisation Bill... And why on earth is Harriet Harman not on the list, she has stepped up to the plate this year.

  3. No Lynne Featherstone?

    I don't suppose Luke Waterfield is Dawns researcher is he?

  4. This is making you come across as partisan and misogynist Iain. The BO letter seems to have been a bit of a mix up. Though I've no doubt Barack Obama supports Dawn and agreed and signed her endorsements. Have you? Proof?

    Not knowing anything of an MP of any stripe is very disappointing from you Iain. And this one is hardly the lowest in profile or the newest on the block. You are laying it on a bit thick if you ask me.

    And pimping polls is something we've seen from time to time round here, now haven't we?

    And Ms Dorries - who absolutely DOES NOT deserve anything for her campaign of fibs and whimsy - is a past mistress of the dark art.

  5. I bloody well hate the 'Hi Guys' greeting these sort of people use. Half of the adressees aren't 'guys' anyway. Grone.

  6. Chris Paul,

    "The BO letter seems to have been a bit of a mix up."

    Oh! Really? So it wasn't how it seemed? We've been maligning this lady all along? You've managed to verify this? Tell us how it really was, then. And maybe you can get the White House or the American Embassy to confirm things - just to put our minds at rest.

    You see it's very difficult for anyone to understand why or how Obama may have signed two sheets of House of Commons letterhead for Dawn to inscribe her own message of undying love - sorry, approbation.

    I know it's going to be difficult for you to understand this, but the post probably isn't misogynistic - it's merely pointing out the lovely Dawn's severe intellectual limitation. In that sense it's certainly anti-Dawn.

    As to 'partisan', well what are you?


  7. Chris Paul is clearly not getting enough care in the community. Fibs and whimsy should be featuring in your comment about the solicited and ludicrous Obama endorsement. I guess that is supposed to be Chris being non-partisan...

  8. Chris Paul, lovely bit of arslikhan there, on further investigation, yes a suckup! and He thinks You are partisan. With regard to this award for the most unremakable Female liebour MP,I can't understand how the four screaming harridans of the apocalypse didn't get nominated, though one of the nominees is pps to one of them. ( A worse job than groomer of the stool I fear.)
