Saturday, February 07, 2009

Tory MP's Facebook Page Hacked

I think Conservative MP Bill Wiggin needs to look at his Facebook page security. I just got a Facebook alert saying he had written on my wall. Oh dear...
And what do you get if you click on the link?

Looking on Bill's page, the hacker has chosen a rather silly list to send this to...
Not exactly my cup of tea, or that of Guy Black, I suspect. And quite what Tory candidates Harriet Baldwin and Louise Bagshawe would want this information for is a mystery. I don't know the other two! All good fun on a Saturday night, eh?


  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the girls in that picture from Girls Aloud?

  2. Hacked is FAR too strong a word, and it's incorrectly used these days, as you probably just have. (Otherwise someone actually managed to hack into facebook's servers, and it would be an international news story should that happen)

    E.G Palin's e-mail account was "hacked". No, her memorable info to reset her password was so simple that a child could figure it out.

    Bill Wiggin's password was probably "wiggin". Either that or he recieved one of those fake e-mails pretending to be from facebook, and he duely responded with his accounty details.

    Either way it's probably his fault.

  3. Thanks Iain mate, this is just what I'm looking for. I've exhausted the, "girls in your area" market. Most of 'em look like Arthur Mullard in a dress anyway, and quite frankly, you can't afford to be fussy looking like I do.


  4. John said "Bill Wiggin's password was probably 'wiggin'."

    You might not be far off. Harriet Harman's blog was hacked into previously, (I forget exactly when) and it turns out her username was 'Harriet' and her password was 'Harman'. As a result, someone hacked into her blog and posted an entry saying she supported Boris Johnson's candidacy for London mayor!

    Nice to see that our politicians take security seriously, isn't it?

  5. Love your SOH Iain!!!!!

  6. His nickname is "bungalow Bill" for a reason...

  7. This wasn't a "hack" in the sense that a malicious individual discovered his password. This is a problem that Facebook has had for some time and part of why they introduced that bar that opens at the top of your browser whenever you click a link that goes away from Facebook. This will warn you if the link you are clicking is to a dogdy site. Previous to this, some people were clicking links that would reveal access information to the profile and the bot would post spam links on walls and in messages to groups of people. Yes, the bot got hold of a password or some other mechanism for access (?application platform), but there was probably no individual sat there posting the links and they were probably done indiscriminately.

    Bill Wiggin could have had a super-long password - it doesn't matter as the access was obtained by clicking a link to a malware site not by somebody guessing the password or him leaving it lying around.

    Facebook are working to resolve these and other issues and had it nailed for a couple of weeks, but looks like its back.

    Key lesson here is not to click on to links to external sites from your Facebook account if that link looks in the slightest bit dodgy. You should get a warning, though, if the site is known to be dodgy.
