Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Saturday

1. Tameside Mafia on another Labour Piggy Peer with his snout in the trough.
2. Sunny Hundal does the Mars Hill 20 Questions to a Blogger feature.
3. Tom Harris says the next Speaker won't be Labour.
4. UK Polling Report analyses the ICM poll.
5. Lynne Featherstone on Sharon Shoesmith's latest pleadings.
6. Norfolk Blogger says stupid people deserve to be ripped off. Sort of.
7. Liberal Bureaucracy on Draper's data harvesting attempt.
8. John Redwood asks how green is the public?
9. Alistair Cooke on the 30th anniversary of the Feb 1974 election being called.
10. Iain Martin says the BBC owes Margaret Thatcher an apology.
11. Letters from a Tory on Cameron's support for state schools.
12. Ed Vaizey on his trip to Liverpool.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm, that Pendry story doesn't really have that much going for it does it? Some hospitality at Wimbledon accepted from Imperial Tobacco. And declared. Non smoker, but the odd cigar. Liberal on smoking laws before, during and after this event. Where's the fire?

    Tameside Mafia - presumably picked up via my blog? - has a rather personal vendetta running on this one. As do a couple of other right wing bloggers in that area. They didn't break the story but they are taking it beyond boring facts to classic smears.
