Thursday, February 05, 2009

They Come in Threes

First it was Dolly, then it was Prezza. Now Alastair Campbell has got a blog. What next? The Blairmeister himself? You can just imagine it...

"Hi, er, well, [inclusive hand gesture, furrowed brow] welcome to my, er blog. Look, it's important, I'm just a regular kinda guy, and, well, Alastair said [grin] that if he could do it, er well [nervous chuckle], so could I. So here it is, for the many, not the few. [that's enough, Alastair].


  1. So it seems. Why can't they have normal partnerships with just one other person.

    You missed out 'Look!'

  2. For Labour there is only Toms any good, and they have tried to take his over.

    They mut be getting worried.

  3. Johnny, you are pissed. I don't blame you. And I agree.

  4. Balir's God Botherer Washington Speech now available.

    The Penguin.

  5. Just been over to Mr Campbell's website. I had to run away screaming after viewing his vlog, he seems to have hired a real live ghost to act the part. Next time Mr Campbell should put on some makeup, his pale (I hesitate to say white) skin is ghostly.

    And please, enable wheel mouse movement on your website Campbell, having to use the scroll bars is so 90s. Or is it a beta thing you going through Mr Campbell? :-)

  6. "They Come in Threes"

    Only at a certain kind of party Iain

  7. Campbell is Goebells reborn - nothing but a propaganda machine for the most authoritarian party and government this country has ever known.

    Iain - you and other influential people need to be hammering this home.

    On a personal level, "they" can try and make me carry an ID card - but they'll be disappointed. I come from the generation whose parents gave their lives to stop that from happening, and I will never dishonour their memory by giving in

  8. Andy,

    That's crap.

    Try Thatcher, when in a time of national emergency our rights to travel as we pleased were suspended. Im not saying she was wrong. I think she was right. Scargill was trying to destroy us. But that was the most authoritarian government that we have had in recent memory.

  9. Its going to be fun seeing these guys earn a living when the corridors of power are shut off from them.

  10. Someone should tell Campbell that the header in his website is cut off half way in some web browser. Has Brown just issued a 'get online' directive from No. 10? It definitely feels like a concerted campaign.

    The Church Mouse

  11. I only started blogging two weeks ago. Why on earth can anyone make so much of a hash of a blog layout like AC.

  12. On his blog there's a section on the blog where it talks in the third person about his public speaking. Part of it says. "He is towards the top end of the fee scale for paid public speaking engagements. But he speaks regularly, pro bono, for charitable, political and educational events. "

    Pro Bono? Does that mean he likes U2?
