Thursday, February 05, 2009

Gordon Brown is a Very Small Man

Doesn't THIS shoddy tale tell you all you need to know about the lack of dignity of our Prime Minister?


  1. Jimmy Gordon McBroon sets himself a low standard and then consistently fails to achieve it.

    The Penguin.

  2. Surely there must be some decent members of the Parliamentary Labour Party that will stand up to this curse on us all?

  3. Strapworld: "Surely there must be some decent members of the Parliamentary Labour Party that will stand up to this curse on us all?

    Apparently not.

    I feel embarrassed and ashamed whenever he attends any gathering as the representative of my country.

    He is beneath contempt and undeserving of any respect.

  4. Careful Iain, you'll have Dolly on your case for making sizist comments.

  5. Would you like a photo to go with that headline Iain?

  6. I would have thought it a good thing not to have to sit next to the Supreme Leader, but there you go, tastes differ.

    These rows between politicos over seating plans are nothing new though. I vividly remember Margaret Thatcher having the opposition leaders bumped behind her at Diana and Charles' wedding.

    Perhaps Prime Ministers prefer to be close to foreign dictators like the Chinese PM than to their own locally elected officials.

  7. You would like to think that no British Prime Minister would act in this way..........

    Unfortunately, with Gordon Brown this story is all too believable.

  8. Well if Team GB want to accuse others of misleading parliament they should take a look at themselves first.

    I seem to remember that at PMQs the PM told Mr Clegg that his party took donations from a tax evader. Afraid not. Mr Brown (the other one) may be guilty of many crimes but tax avoidance is not one of them. The proceeds of crime are not taxable and MR Brown simply spend the money. He didn't earn anything from it in the UK.

  9. This is the PM who claims to be a world statesman from the Churchill mould.
    Boris was giving a reading, of course he should have been at the front. You would at least expect the son of the Manse to accept the norms of british christianity.
    As for Aristocrattie Harman getting an upgrade, dear oh dear.

  10. That's true Alex.

    Tories are frequently hypocritical in Parliament. I nearly fell over laughing when I heard the other night that Osborne claims the PM is endangering the economy with his "slip" over the "world depression" statement. This is from the same party who's leader claimed not so long ago that "Britain faces bankruptcy".

    Apparently what's good for the goose is not good for the gander.

  11. Ere! Don't you go maligning us dwarfs! He's not 'small' in the true sense of the word - except in certain quarters - allegedly.

  12. @Despairing LibDum......

    The possessive pronoun is 'whose' not 'who's'.

    But then what would you expect?

  13. Conand - I like it, but I think 'Aristocrattie Hattie' has a better ring to it. As for Brown, what remains to be said except for, "In the name of God, go."

  14. @ Cato

    Amen to that! Drives me crazy, too. And the general failure to understand how apostrophes work or their purpose is even worse.

    Education, education, education? I don't think so.

  15. (Back on topic) This demonstrates his inability to 'connect' outside of the coterie of his inner circle. He has been insulated from real-life all his life. Never done a job. Never worked as a team. Not worthy of the job. A disgrace to Britain.

  16. I don;t believe for one moment that Boris is lying over this, no. And Gordon Brown is clearly mistaken if he thinks he can intimidate Boris.

  17. Despairing Liberal
    The difference is that the PM is supposed to be in possession of forecasts and Treasury information of which the markets take note. Would it really be such a surprise if a Depression was on the spectrum at least
    As for bankrupt we are on the cliff`s edge Had anyone listened to the Liberals Party during their long period of criticising New Labour form left our position would be altogether more exciting if you enjoy the rush of wind in your hair ...
    Pity the Liberals Party never get to arrange seating .They would be shifting positions at ten minute intervals and everyone could enjoy a jolly game of musical chairs

  18. Thanks for that Cato - a Freudian slip - I was of course thinking "who is" as in who the heck is David Cameron. I mean who is he really? We still haven't found out. What are his policies? We still don't know. Who's are they? Not at all clear.

  19. No small talk from Brown, but do you remember, as the MPs filed into the Chamber in pairs, the Prime Minister was jabbering like a lunatic at a tight-lipped, embarrassed Cameron.
    "Rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb," all for the sake of the cameras.
    A small man and a phoney man.

  20. Ah yes Bird, but which is which?

    Cameron often strikes me as someone a bit out of his depth. Brown seems to prefer lies. How lucky we are to have the "choice" of these two at the next General!

  21. @ Cato

    "Who's are they"

    See that? Lessons not learned, then. Or is it another 'Freudian slip'?

  22. perhaps you could do a post on the appearance of political celebs at things like this.
    it strikes me as being as shallow as the statements of servicemen killed at PMQs.
    Why apart from publicity and votes were any of them at a service for one child out of the thousands of children dying in such circumstances?
    not a case of why they were seated as they were.... but why they were there at all.

  23. Jonathan Cook said...

    February 05, 2009 12:07 PM


    The picture is very funny!

  24. Looking at the details from the C4 marginals poll . 53% of voters agree that Cameron the leader of the Do Nothing Party is talking the British economy down for political party advantage .
    There are many times throughout British history that such action would have been considered treason and the perpretator would have lost his head .

  25. Gordon Brown looks like he smells bad. Greasy hair, crumpled suit - and the kind of face that looks as if he's missed a bogie opportunity.

    Anybody been near enough to confirm my theory?

    ps. OH's photo - a Dorian Gray moment.

  26. . How lucky we are to have the "choice" of these two at the next General!

    I feel for you . When the zing and zest of two flabby faced patrician Old Paulians competing to follow Conservative ideas is your unsual meat , it must be tough. I think the one who did the best impression of David Cameron won but its so hard to tell...

  27. "53% of voters agree that Cameron the leader of the Do Nothing Party is talking the British economy down for political party advantage ."

    But people still prefer them to Labour. Says it all.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Actually I think Boris got a good deal. Not being forced to sit next to a man hater or snot gobbler seems a good thing.

  30. Charles JugEars has some thing s to say about McBroon, collated for easy reading at

    The Penguin.

  31. Lack of dignity. Lack of stature. Lack of original thought. Lack of everything we need in a Leader for today.

  32. Mark Senior,

    If that was the case Gordon Brown would have had his head lopped off for talking the economy down in 1992/93 - "A weak Currency leads to a Weak Economy and a Weak Government".

    Not to mention the leaking of Defence Information whilst it was not his brief to do so!

    Mark, the Liberal Democrats are the Nether regions of the Labour Party! LD Impotence is prolonged and protrated apart from when they are riding on the coatails of Labour!

    Here a wonderful website for you Mark:

    Labour LD Labour - Out Out Out!

  33. oh another thing Mark Senior - Labour are the Deliver Nothing Party.

    Opinion polling has shown that the attempted Negative campaign by Labour against the Tories that you refer too is not going down well with the public.

    Only the stupid believe Brown - the PM has delivered nothing to those out of work.

    I know as a Liberal Democrat Mark you take to abusing the unemployed and less fortunate but maybe as Gordon's "Depression" hits your work you will change your mind? Brown will do nothing to help keep your job, you might change the record then!

  34. "Gordon Brown is a Very Small Man" - so is one to assume he has a smaller chipolata than Prezza?

    Maybe someone should ask Tracey? Or Mandy?

    The Penguin.

  35. Another finding from the Marginals poll was that 60% of voters believed that the Conservatives did little or nothing to help the victims of the recession when they were in power in the 1980's and the majority believe Cameron would do no more if he were in power today .
    Martin , following the end of a 2 year contract , my son was temporarily unemployed for 6 weeks but unlike you he is employable and did not spend his time writing creative vitriolic blogs under a fictitious name and has now a good permanent job in the financial sector .

  36. Haddock, I agree. You and I both know the answer to that though.

    I get absolutely disgusted at the way the Prime Minister when he reads the names of our dead hero's killed in Iraq or Afghanistan, that he has to read a very short, and hurried, tribute.

    I am also disgusted that MP's do not stand for a moments silence in their memory. They sit on their fat a...s! and murmour 'hear hear'

    But the way Brown does it is just insulting to their memory.

    You watch the next time an MP dies!! Sickening.

  37. Mark Senior.

    What a big headed, spiteful, fellow you are. I am so pleased for your son. But to say to someone, you do not know, that their son is unemployable is beneath contempt.

    Your type make me sick. You obviously believe you are better than everyone else, It must be hard for you, to lower yourself to our level.

    Still, we dont have to extricate our heads from our backsides!

  38. Thanks for your kind words Mark!

    I am glad your son got another job, your comments with regard to my blogging activity amuse me. I spend little time Blogging but unlike you my efforts seem to have an impact. But as a Liberal Democrat you must be used to impotence and feelings of only scratching the surface!

  39. The only decent one with any bloody idea of reality is Frank Field. He would make a great leader of the Labour party, so don't say anything to anyone. With McBroon in charge they will utterly tank at the next general election.

    What an unpleasant man he must be, bumping Boris like that!

  40. strapworld , I have spent a great deal of time over many months in giving Martin Day ( not his real name ) advice on finding employment but sadly came to the conclusion that it is his personality clearly expressed in his posts and blogs that is an unsurmountable problem for him .

  41. The man is an utter disgrace and I'm sick to death of people who should know better, making excuses for him. I can't think of any single redeeming feature about him. The best I can wish him is that he grows old knowing his place in history.

  42. Mark,

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Best you get back to knocking out the Prothetic Penis's rather than commenting on something you do not understand or have knowledge about. If you have to stay at home - better work on the Astin Princess and go for a drive with a bag marked sweets.....

  43. Does any sentient being in the Solar system care about Mark Senior let alone any spavined offspring he has polluted the gene pool with .
    The reason for the sudden dose of nasty medicine in the 80s was not , of course the Conservative Party but successive administrations of managed decline in particular the nadir that was Callaghan by virtue of which we had a British disease , no lights , bodies in the street and 15% inflation.. New Labour agreed if we are to judge by their retaining union reform , and sticking to Conservative Party spending plans

    During that happy period we actually manage to pay down the National debt .Then came deficits every year and a bloated non productive state offing benefits it could not afford in a bust. That is why whatever good intentions anyone has no-one is going to be doing much for anyone and had anyone been listening to the yipping me -too`s from Labour lite it would have been worse .

    As far as the Polls are concerned the Liberal party can go back to their constituencies and prepare for irrelevance as usual .The truth is they like it that way anyway.

  44. Newmania , you are quite correct thay my ( and your ) view as to the Conservative government of the 1980's is of little import but the fact that even 25 years later a large majority of the voters believe that they did little to help the victims of recession is of much greater importance .

  45. From one of the better economic journalists, reputed to be very close to Big Rupe,
    "Gordon Brown, who after a decade running the UK economy now contends his leadership was flawless – avert your eyes from the huge increase in private and public debt and the swollen welfare state that has created entire regions in Britain that depend on the state for more than 70 per cent of their economic activity. Nothing to do with him, all the fault of American bankers, who somehow forced UK banks to acquire toxic assets under Brown's very nose." Irwin Stelzer

    The Penguin.

  46. Chalcedon said... “The only decent one with any bloody idea of reality is Frank Field.”

    Frank Field has been talking up the ‘British jobs for British workers’ error for all he’s worth. What is he playing at? He also has a long record of being anti-women - especially pregnant women.

    Heaven forfend that he should ever become a minister again.

    (After a chance Usenet post by David Boothroyd over 10 years ago, I have always wondered about Frank Field. I must ask Iain privately if he knows.)

    Oh and I don’t believe the Telegraph story. They would say that wouldn’t they?

  47. So Boris whingeing about his seat in Church makes the PM look small?

    How does that work?

  48. This article and the subsequent comments are a disgrace. Harriett was the only person around with the experience and ability to sort out Snotty's dirty nappie, should it have become soiled duiring the service.
    Indeed the seating arrangements may well have been voluntarily brought about by an earlier than expected evacuation.

  49. Is the floppy-haired One's problem that he couldn't cope with the mental challenge of finding his way to a new seat?

  50. Dear Mr Jimmy,

    "So Boris whingeing about his seat in Church makes the PM look small?

    How does that work?"

    Defending the Labour Party demonstrates only that you are deluded. We forgive you for it.

    But denying reality shows you're a nutcase. Seek help.

  51. He is indeed a small man, just what we DON'T need at a time of crisis.

  52. talking the British economy down for political party advantage .

    You mean like the Labour party, BBC etc did for a year before the 1963 election ? Their incessant harping about the balance of payments deficit became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Scum.

  53. Dear Mr DespicableLiberal,

    "Is the floppy-haired One's problem that he couldn't cope with the mental challenge of finding his way to a new seat?"

    It's the time of the month for you to start sneering and casting insults about is it? Okee-dokee.

    I bet I know which sign you were born under. It was the one above your mothers head that said two-quid-a-go.

    I bet when she saw you she wished she'd done more swallowing!

  54. Immature schoolboy my take over at

  55. talking the British economy down for political party advantage

    and like the BBC and left establishment did in Scotland for years and years and years ....." amongst the decaying hulks of what was once a mighty ship yard bla bla bla"

    New Labour have along history of using death and tragedy for cynical ends until the Bulger election campaign it was inconceivable that a British Political Party should feast on the random tragic death of a child like a coven of shrieking Satan worshippers . In this case we should not forget that the main attack on Boris from Compass and so was that he was a closet racist which is a lie .
    They are desperate to keep London divided along racial lines and stir up hate whenever they can . The thought of Londoners coming together to mourn a child be he black or white is like garlic to a Vampire .
    PS -I see they are paying the parents ... how nuch will it take to excuse the explosion of violent crime in London and the UK

    ‘The father of Damilola Taylor - the schoolboy murdered in south London in 2000 - is to be Labour's special envoy on youth violence and knife crime. ...’

    Are there no depths to which they will not sink

  56. Was it a lie though Newmania? Hasn't Boris in the past said a number of things that strongly hint he has rather a low opinion of persons with darker skin hues?

    I know he's a Turk and all that, but there are few more prejudiced places than Turkey - just ask them how they treat the Kurds or what they think of Greeks.

  57. Jimmy, have you watched any of Boris's question and answer sessions at the GLA? It makes Mr Bean look competent. I reckon someone could beat him at the next election just emailing clips of the highlights to selected groups of voters. What a complete silly posh airhead and fellow Eton Trifle of Cameron and Osborne.

    But not his programme on the aftermath of Rome which was of course very good.

  58. @ Newmania

    "Are there no depths to which they will not sink"

    In a word, no.

  59. @ Despairing

    "I know he's a Turk and all that,"

    So, you think because he has some Turkish blood in his veins he's prejudiced? Is this a minfestation of your own prejudice?

    "but there are few more prejudiced places than Turkey"

    That's just complete bollocks. You really haven't seen very much of the world at all, have you?

  60. Yes, I have long realised that Gordon Brown is an "anti-TARDIS" — large on the outside, but much, much smaller on the inside, where it really counts.

  61. Comparing this sub-prime politician to pond life is unfair to those of God's beings that live in ponds.

  62. LOL

    Clegg has today said he wants to increase school spending and cut class sizes. Headteachers say it is unworkable.

    LD's are looking the Turkey in the eye and heading for a stuffing at the next election. I wonder if a penny on income tax is going to be the next LD policy as they seem to be really scraping the barrel!

    LD's = LOL!

  63. "I know he's a Turk and all that, but there are few more prejudiced places than Turkey - just ask them how they treat the Kurds or what they think of Greeks."

    Oooooh, racism showing there, I always thought that if you scratch a Liberal, especially a despairing one (of which there are rightly many!) you find a fascist underneath.

    The Penguin.

  64. Dear Mr Penguin, Mr Day et al,

    Now you boys just cease and desist being beastly to DespicableLiberal.

    He doesn't get out much and has no mates, so this site is his only opportunity for social interaction.

    I know he's a pedantic, self-regarding, supercilious little twerp, but you fellows ought to be setting an example and demonstrating a more Christian attitude towards our less fortunate brethren.

    Shame on you!

  65. Wrinkled, I have been near to Brown and I can confirm that he is indeed a revolting fat bogey muncher who makes Jamie Oliver look desirable.

    He is also our PM. Maybe not the best, and in a democarcy we should be allowed to shout him down. But the PM nonetheles and the PM in a time of great crisis. He has withstood more shit than most us could take. Prats like Old Holborn have shown that they fall at the first.

  66. Mr Brown constantly picks the worst possible occasions for new stories of his lack of principles to emerge, the man has some serious personality flaws.

    Normally, I am a huge fan of Boris, this time I feel that he has also used the public interest in the story to attempt to gain political points.

  67. The final comment on the story explains all:

    'As MP for Camberwell and Peckham Harman could argue that she had a right to attend the service.
    February 05, 2009 01:41 PM GMT'

    Much ado about nothing, once again.

  68. So Gordon Brown is a small man is he.......well he`s also, stupid, useless, fat and incompetent...

    Being small minded is the least of Mr Bean`s problems....

  69. That's why I consider Gordon Brown to be the worst Prime Minister this country has ever seen. Just when you think this psychologically flawed man couldn't possibly embarrass himself and the nation any more, he surprises us all.

  70. DL...
    Tories are frequently hypocritical in Parliament

    And this relates to the story in hand in what particular way?

  71. DL,

    I haven't seen them. I'm assuming it's up there with his Newsnight debate performance.
