Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quote of the Day: Joe Biden

Is he Dubya in disguise?

If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty,
if we stand up there and we really make the tough decisions,
there’s still a 30 percent chance we’re going to get it wrong.

Joe Biden


  1. No, he's not a war criminal and he's very intelligent. He's just a bit goofy.


  2. The Daily Show was pretty funny tonight. We need something similar over here; most of our stuff is way too smug.

  3. Foxnews's whitehouse coresspondent major garrent asked obama what biden was refering to, I really thought obama was going to say "Joe never knows what he is talking about"!

  4. Actually, for once Biden's comments seem to have been entirely lucid and sensible - if inadvisably honest.
    The financial situation is such that even a perfect policy response - should such a thing exist - might not avert a worldwide depression.

  5. Iain!
    Off topic I know, but I thought you might have at least tried to protect your little Hazel from the George Monbiots open letter to Hazel Blears onslaught!
    I know! You didn’t see it ;o)
    She took a bashing! :o)

  6. @ canvas said...

    "No, he's not a war criminal and he's very intelligent. He's just a bit goofy."

    Obviously your bar for intelligence is exceedingly low. Biden is a Dimocrat fantasy merchant and moron who makes Dan Qualye look a positive genius. We can expect a large quantity of foot in mouth episodes from Biden over the next four years.

  7. No. Biden is an idiot and a plagiarist. Bush is an MBA who can fly single-engine jets. Next question.

  8. Nigel,

    If you do everything right then I fail to see how things can go wrong. Unless you have a rather odd defintiion of the word "right". Surely in this context right means that you have taken the aprropriate course of action to achieve a desired result.

    Biden's choice of wrods shoes an incoherrence of thinking at the very least.

  9. Like the "known unknowns/ unknown unknows" comment (Rumsfeld I believe) it sounds a bit weird but is in fact pretty true.

  10. The comedy potential of biden is virtually limitless. Check out YouTube for the clip where asks a quadraplegic man to "stand up". Majestic.

  11. Jabba obviously doesn't know his american history - if e did he would be aware of Biden's impressive credentials. There is no way in hell that Obama would every pick a dummy - so jabba - swivel.

  12. @ canvas said...

    "Jabba obviously doesn't know his american history - if e did he would be aware of Biden's impressive credentials. There is no way in hell that Obama would every pick a dummy - so jabba - swivel."

    Oh dear, you do so betray an ignorance of American politics. I would suggest doing some research on the senator from Delaware, the man has been a second rate moron all his career.

    As for your second remark, it just makes me laugh so much. Obviously you have been drinking too much kool aid and are still in a state of rapture and mental levitation along with all the other saps that supported the Messiah. Never mind, the return to reality will be swift and bumpy.

  13. Moron = George W Bush

    jabba - Guess what? THEY WON. Obama won and he chose Biden. woohoo!

    so who cares what you think anyway? They WON.


  14. Lol...I refer you to my earlier posting.

  15. I absolutely love Joe Biden and just about everyone I know feels the same. He's a brilliant, funny and loving gentleman, and a great statesman. He says interesting things, or says things interestingly, but I love it. He's a breath of fresh air over the past 8 years of sneaky lies and dark halftruths. Love ya Joe! ;-)
