Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Daley Dozen (And a Half): Tuesday

1. Australian journalist Andrew Bolt blogs a day of tragedy.
2. The Wilted Rose reckons the Tories are 24 points ahead among the vital C2s.
3. Capitalists@Work disputes the claim that noone foresaw the collapse of Lehmans.
4. Longrider was appalled by the showtrial of the bankers.
5. Burning our Money reckons the wrong witnesses were on the stand.
6. Donal Blaney fisks Clare Hzlegrove's 25 Random Things meme. It's hilarious.
7. Dan Hannan is outaged by the ban on Dutch politician Geert Wilders from entering Britain.
8. Matthew Taylor on the different ways a banker can say sorry.
9. LabourHome brings the joyous news that Labour MP Martin Salter is standing down. No reaction from his nemesis yet.
10. Boulton & Co want your nominations for Britain's Top 10 Fanciable MPs.
11. Charlie Beckett thinks the Today Programme is on a roll.
12. LibDem Voice rails against Tory education plans, without apparently realising that they are identical to LibDem ones.
13. Tom Harris defends the party system.
14. Bethan Jenkins tries to rekindle her love of blogging.
15. Danny Finkelstein's Top 10 Iranian Blogs. No, really.
16. Whipped Senseless brings news which will disappoint Donal. Sarah Palin is too darned busy governin' to go to CPAC.
17. SNP Tactical Voting welcomes the 129th MSP.
18. Douglas Carswell on why Liam Byrne has gone native.


  1. Dale why did u delete my comment about your friend Andy Stephenson. It was valid wasn't it????

  2. No Mr Draper links - he will be so disappointed!

    PS Donal's link is great

    PPS Do try Croydonian's latest offering - it is quite stunning.

  3. I do not respond to comments which begin with Dale. My name is Iain. Or Mr Dale to you.

  4. I confess that I like 'Burning our Money's spoof - not least this bit

    "Q2 Chairman: That's all very well Mr Bennett, but the evening news bulletins need to see you humiliated. Please tell the Committee what formal Prune Minister qualifications you have.
    Mr Bennett: Well, I've got a history degree, I've worked in TV, and I've been a professional politician for 25 years."

    The question to a former chairman of a billion pound company about his qualifications from an MP --- an MP !!!!!

    I found at the time deeply deeply ironic.

    Post-ironic even.

    And then there is this comment
    "HBOS's head of risk was fired by Sir James Crosby, a man who not only got knighted by Brown, but was also made Deputy Chairman of the friggin' FSA!!!! Has Brown ever touched anything that hasn't turned out to be an unmitigated disaster?"

    err... the answer to that last is NO!

    What on earth happened at Edinburgh University I wonder when Brown was chancellor there?

  5. Iain, are we allowed to refer to you as ID?

  6. oohh Mr Dale your Highness,(i will control my temper and keep my views personal or send them via email) (hint hint) will you plese answer my question.
    why did u delete my comment about your friend Andy Stephenson. It was valid wasn't it????
    By deleating the comment do you confirm that my suspicions are correct??

  7. 7's the tectonic

    It has to be shown

  8. 16 girls had acid thrown over them in a classroom in Khadahar. I am gone, not angry.

    It's problematic that there's so much money in smack.

  9. Whipped Senseless also has the story about the CoE banning its clergy from the BNP. Not surprising as BNP membership is incompatible with membership of the human race.

  10. #3 is missing the link (on FF3, at least). Is the @ in Capitalists@Work breaking the hyperlink?

  11. I made the mistake of belieiving you when you said Donal Blaney's fisk of Clare Hzlegrove's 25 things was funny. I should have known better with him - it was merely offensive, although she does set herself up somewhat.

  12. Pendle Truth: "Dale why did u delete my comment about your friend Andy Stephenson. It was valid wasn't it????".

    Iain Dale: "I do not respond to comments which begin with Dale. My name is Iain. Or Mr Dale to you".

    Looks like a response to me. Miaowwww!

  13. Pendle Truth, You're well on the way to being banned from this blog. If you want to make allegations against anyone use your own pisspoor blog to it, not this one.

  14. Iain if you were in tune with the blogosphere and not living in your fantasy world, you would know that I no longer have a blog due to the fact that I could not update it regularly.
    I thought you were an advocate for freedom of speech, so would this not infringe my right if you block me?
    (I think I hit a nerve with my comments)

  15. You have no rights on this blog. You are here at my invitation. But if you persist with malicious insinuation I will withdraw that invitation. Thank god you don't have a blog any longer.
