Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Prescott Puts Me In My Box

You've got to give him credit. Yesterday I blogged about John Prescott's site, GoFourth.co.uk and hinted that I was beginning to think it wasn't him writing it. Well, the old bruiser has hit back in fine style and with some good humour. Love it. Especially the ending. As da kidz would say, respect!

I take it all back. I wonder if Mr Draper is learning from this exchange. Humour wins over shouting and threats. Forget that John Prescott and I agree on little, this exchange shows how you can actually have some sensible discourse through the blogosphere. Humour works. Always does. As I say, respect to JP.


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  3. Perhaps Mr Prescott would like to do a video blog on his involvement in the creation of the Common Purpose charity, and maybe he can explain exactly why it is a charity?

  4. As you say Iain, Mr Draper could learn a lot from Mr P.

  5. Sorry Iain but Prescott is a vile human being who cheated on his wife. Don't fall for the Liebour spin.

    Prescott and that shower of **** called Nu Liebour have destroyed our economy our culture and our way of life.

    If I saw Prescott burning in the street I wouldn't waste my pee on him.

  6. That's rather a 1970's looking electric fan in the background.

    You put a positive spin on this Iain (how marvelous it is that you jolly political bloggers can enjoy the cut and thrust of friendly badinage) but sadly I suspect this is another example of you being caught out in an off-the-cuff instant blog headline (alleging JP doesn't write it himself) that turns out to be completely wrong. Shades of the Sky News / IMF / Britain is Bankrupt scandal.

    I can't help thinking JP is better as a video blogger. I miss the old boy on the tele.

  7. totally hilarious! I'm glad JP cleared that up - I was getting really annoyed at the thought of yet another Labour politician letting us down...

    But JP still doesn't quite get that blogging is different to "the facebook"


  8. John iz down wiv da kidz now, iz he?

    Do you get wot I is sayin, Iain? Big up Prezza and respec to you!

  9. Yep, after watching that video you've gotta hand it to him. Well done 2-Balls.

  10. Brilliant

    Straight out of the Uncle Sam...bo (Tom) (golliwog) how to get re-elected manifesto.

    Its a contrived rebuttal stupid

  11. Fair play to 2 Jags. I still can't stand his policies or his spin but at least he has a sense of humour!

  12. @I hate Red Ken & Fatty Brown
    "Sorry Iain but Prescott is a vile human being who cheated on his wife."

    Oh naff off you pillock. Out of all the things to target him for you choose the fact he cheated on his wife? Something that doesn't even rate on the tosser-o-meter? You do realise how many people (both men and women) who have cheated on their partners don't you?

  13. Zero respect for a man who'd like to split England up into regions.

  14. Gosh, I bet in your youger days you were an easy lay

    This is blatent Political Fellatio

    He has been dragged from his bed of Rosies

    Sit there dad and read the script!!!

  15. I don't agree with JP on most things but that is classy. He really does get what it's all about, great respect to him for it.

  16. Totally agree Iain! Bless him! Prezza always has had a good sense of humour - and it shines through here! As you said "respect to JP" . . (although the comment "Let us Bloggers stick together" was a tad alarming! ;-))

  17. That was him on the YouTube and very good it is too.

    I don't think that the last comment is him because there is no profile unless he has not got around to it yet.

    Like you Iain, I was quick to judge.

    It's just struck me that John Prescott is not a public speaker like Jeremy Jacobs. And neither am I. But I can write very well, and so can JP.

  18. He may have a sence of humour but he's a twat if he thinks liebour can get in for a 4th term.

  19. THAT was clever! I'm glad he's able to laugh at himself and get involved! It makes it all the more entertaining :D

  20. Dear Mr Dale,

    I agreed with your initial posting. The poor syntax and spelling errors apparent in his first couple of posts have been replaced by a slicker style altogether.
    Prescott may be setting the substance, but the delivery is not his.
    Before everybody gets too carried away with "respec to good ole JP", it's worthwhile bearing in mind that Prescott undoubtedly, at one point, held the record for being the Minister who single-handedly, through his utter incompetence, did the most economic damage to this country.
    That title has, of course, now passed for all time to one G Brown.

  21. Nice reply, and he went through the correct door for the Health Act 2006, that'll do me.

  22. Is he really ready to talk to us civilians?

    When in doubt about veracity, I always get out my nothing-to-lose-ometer.

    This is a 70 year old man who has done his career and apparently remains cheerfully committed to the cause.

    He really does have nothing to lose and people with nothing to lose have nothing to gain by being generous or nice or funny.

    So on balance, I go for genuine. He admits he gets "help" but I accept the content is him. For the moment. He is also one of a very few politicians who comes out of his ivory tower to engage with the hoi-polloi.

    Cameron does not but may have once trod in some.

  23. Agree with ex-apprentice. All this 'nice guy prezza, he's a diamond' bollocks is sickening. This man has caused so much damage to this country, that I found it hard to actually watch the video without wanting to punch the screen. It's sad to see that so many of you sheeple, and that includes you Iain, have such short memories. You can all give your respect to Prescott if that's your wish. Me? I know what he put in place during his time in office, and for that his chummy, chubby face should be next seen on a pike on Tower Bridge.

  24. This bonhomie towards Prescott baffles Jabba immensely. There seems to be a collective memory shortfall around here.

    People should be reminded that Prescott has the intellectual capacity of a pinhead and if anything at all, serves as a fully rounded prototype for the future products of the current British education system as knocked into misshape by ZaNuLab and their moronic socialist predecessors going back all the way to the 50's and 60's.

    Prescott epitomises the archetypal clueless socialist allowed near a position of responsibility. Everything he touched whilst inhabiting the office of the DPM he royally screwed up, from the simple M4 traffic lane fiasco to the mess with building regulations to name but two. Even Blair recognised the mans inability to perform at any level of competence and rapidly sidelined him out of harms way.

    Always remember, give a socialist something that works and they will surely **** it up.

  25. Your article is about John Prescott but you've put up a video about Jabba the Hutt. Have you made a mistake in your link? Is there a subtitled version on Youtube also because I can't understand the heavy accent? Thanks....

  26. I'm sorry for this but I still want to punch him. Or, at the very least beat him at croquet.

    No, correct that - at the very least, I'd want to punch him twice and hit him with an egg.

  27. JP's verbal anarchy doesn't necessarily mean that he's no good at writing; who doesn't make grammatical and syntax errors in speech that they wouldn't make in writing? Perhaps he's just an extreme example of this.

    On the other hand, perhaps the gap is too extreme to be plausible, and indeed in the video he effectively admits that the writing per se isn't his, although clearly that doesn't stop the ideas being his own.

    As for a sense of humour, well given that he's been in the public spotlight for so long and subject to much criticism - and, indeed, ridicule and derision - then surely a sense of humour is self-evident. And eith a very thick skin to compliment it.

  28. I hate that man. How dare you put him on your blog, he makes me want to vomit.

    He'll be there,come the next election, telling people that at least their current poverty is labour poverty and not fancy southern tory prosperity.

    He hates you, Iain. But more crucially he hates himself for not having his arms covered in grease to the elbows. He despises himself for being the purveyor of Gin and Tonic to the privileged.

  29. You believe him? What rubbish. His only impact on the blog is to read it...and even that only on occasions.

  30. Nice to see that you can still turn an apology into a lecture, Iain.

    All hail the king of the hissy fit.

  31. I don't believe him. His blog doesn't convey any of his (very strong) personality. He might say to someone "write a post about this or that", but I don't believe he is telling the truth.

  32. I politicians with personality - don't see many of those these days.

  33. He has conned you. He in fact admitted that he did not write it. The analaogy of staff writing letters tells all.

    I bet my house on this:

    The post was was composed and written by other(s).

    He glanced at it but did not check.

    #20 an open goal.

    Fair dos to JP but he realised he was rumbled and Campbell told him "Quick rapid rebuttal"

    I bet future posts are more in Prscott's mangled syntax.

    Prescott you remain mendacious.

  34. Ha! Ha! Nice one Prescott - that was very funny.

    A refreshing change to the approach of that twerp Draper.

  35. Like him or not, he is an old dog who is proving he can learn some new tricks. Good on him.

  36. I'd be in good humour too :

    (They work for you, but rake it in!)

    Has spoken in 0 debates in the last year — well below average amongst MPs.

    Voted strongly for introducing ID cards. votes, speeches

    Voted very strongly for the Iraq war. votes, speeches

    Voted strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war. votes, speeches

    Expenses £124,696
    Extras : £185,000
    QE2 Cruise
    China Jolly

    This is the man who suggested we would have to rent out second/holiday properties to immigrants (made my mother in law ill). How many houses does this man have?

    This is the man who wanted to cover green belt with more housing.

    This man brawls in the street with the electorate yet rips them off for council tax!

    I won't go, you get the picture.

    Thoroughly unpleasant chap, what a short memory you do have Iain. The last thing Mr Prescott deserves is "respect".

  37. Uhm, I don't get it.

    1. Iain Dale suggests Prescott doesn't write his own blog
    2. Prescott admits he doesn't write his own blog, but the ideas are his
    3. Everyone agrees what a splendid chap Prescott is

  38. Jabba, how old do you think Prescott is for goodness sakes? He went to school in the 50s. Are you confused about how long New Labour have been in office?

    I think we have to take the fact that he says he writes it himself at face value until proven otherwise. Many of you seem to think that just saying someone is doing or not doing a thing makes it so.

    I think his sense of humour comes out in this, if nothing else.

    I'm a bit puzzled why you all think he did such damage - he seems to have been rather a shambling, ineffectual creature in office - constantly hoping Blair would notice him. His only real achievement seems to have been to accumulate huge numbers of civil servants under him in a new super-duper ODPM, which pretty much did nothing of any note.

  39. Is it just me or is John Prescott merging into Michael Howard over time. (facially that is, it's the eyebrows)?

  40. More than fair doos for Prezza in this case. He is canny and no wonder he was kept on by Blair as his "finger on the pulse"*

    Still, does not alter the fact that he is a rabid involuntary collectiviser with a class-war chip on his shoulder so large it explains the lack of salt on the roads.

    * but I am not sure where he kept that finger...

  41. Prescott has not spoken in the HoC since July 2007, yet continues to enjoy his salary and perks.

    Since he also has not even the pretence of a government department to ruin, one would hope he is devoting all of his time to his constituency duties. Otherwise some brave pensioner might sue him, as with Ann Keen, the trougher for Brentford.

    The Penguin.

  42. @ Jailhouse

    "But I can write very well"

    What was that about 'self-praise' you said earlier?

  43. No, the blundering, hypocritical, emotionally incontinent fat bully does not have to be given credit.

    wv=maverb. Prescott's finally tried learning parts of speech.

  44. @ Despairing

    "Many of you seem to think that just saying someone is doing or not doing a thing makes it so."


    "I think we have to take the fact that he says he writes it himself at face value"

    How do you reconcile those two statements?

  45. @ DespairingLiberal said...

    "Jabba, how old do you think Prescott is for goodness sakes? He went to school in the 50s. Are you confused about how long New Labour have been in office?"

    As I said earlier, Prescott is the prototype of the modern product of the socialist education system imposed on us continually by the left wing teaching unions and bolstered periodically by every socialist government when in office.

    New Labour, old Labour, it's still two cheeks on the same arse with the same shit coming out of the middle.

  46. Each time I watch something with him in I just like him more and more. oh god what's become of me!

  47. I always thought JP should have a chat show. He might be mad as a brush, but he is certainly entertaining.

    Contrast that this Dolly's efforts this morning...

  48. Jabba the Cat said... ...bolstered periodically by every socialist government when in office.

    Are you old enough to remember the last ‘socialist government’? I only ask.

  49. Well i don't know about England but i do know about Venezuela, all i can say is that "I still don't understand"
