Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Labour MSP in Expenses Row

Could all those Labour Party supporters who got on their high horses about Derek Conway employing his son, please do the same in the case of Labour MSP Charlie Gordon, who has been paying his son £12k to do, well, sweet bugger all. Mark Pack has the story on LibDem Voice. I'm not holding my breath.


  1. Anyone, black or white, who can put a malicious interpretation on the word "golliwog" must be a very nasty person indeed.,

  2. Yes, this is obviously a particularly good case of familial Parliamentary emolumentation Iain. The only trouble is - it's in Scotland, which not many people in England care about. So my prediction for how many people get hot under the collar on your blog about it is, er, not many.

    Shame, as it's a nice distraction from the wierd Daily Mail-esque Carol Thatcher saga.

    I am having bursts of deja-vu all over again on that one. Didn't we spend most of the 80s hearing about Maggie's kids' behaviour? All very strange.

    Good luck with the new Total Politics office. Is that being funded by the Tory Party? Just a thought.

  3. Old news. Please keep up at the back there.

  4. No, it bloody isn't! If you had ever read the magazine you would know it is strictly non partisan. Even Kevin Maguire has had the good grace to admit there is no Tory bias in it.

  5. Just asking Iain. Actually I have read some articles and found it enjoyable.

  6. "Why is it old news geomannie?"

    Because it was extensively reported in the Herald on both the 23rd and 24th January.

    I know that the Scottish papers are not widely read down south but if one going to comment on Scottish politicians, its worth checking them out.

  7. You're right that some of the news was reported first a little while back, but I think it's fair to say my post adds something new to the story.

    For example, the round of Scottish media didn't (as far as I've seen) compare the claimed costs for the phone answering service with the equivalent commercial costs.

  8. And of course two wrongs (or three, if you count Conway as two) don't make a right.
