Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Labour Shows Its Pride in the NHS

Remember my POST a couple of months ago showing the Labour Party Shop hadn't passed on the cut in VAT?

A reader points out another page on their Shop which is a little embarrassing for them. On their PROUD OF THE NHS page they have, er, precisely nothing listed.

Cue comments of 'cheap jibe', 'beneath you' etc etc. It's an amusing diary story. Get over it.


  1. Still got your feet up eh Iain? watching Jeremy Kyle.

    Terrible this snow so can't go to work nonsense :-)

  2. Iain,

    Enough of this - shouldn't you be getting your teeth into this emerging Glenrothes vote-rigging scandal?

  3. It's not a cheap jibe & it's not beneath you. Any finger-pointing at Labour's on-line uselessness is always funny as f***.
    Shame their not so slap-dash at getting the vote out.

  4. 'Proud of the NHS' was a specific campaign run last July to mark the 60th anniversary; the merchandise has probably sold out but someone forgot to delete the link.

    PS don't bother with the Glenrothes story as it's all a load of cobblers. Some court has thrown away the marked registers presumably because they didn't know they had to keep them. There's no indication that any votes have been rigged.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. A closing down sale with luck.

    As for,

    "PS don't bother with the Glenrothes story as it's all a load of cobblers. Some court has thrown away the marked registers presumably because they didn't know they had to keep them. There's no indication that any votes have been rigged.

    February 03, 2009 2:35 PM"

    "Methinks thou doth protest too much" sort of moment!

  7. http://david-boothroyd.labourhome.org/

    With the leadership election almost upon us, I want to make a plea. Do not, however tempted you may be, vote for John McDonnell, if you truly value the Labour Party. Here are ten points all of which should be remembered
    10 Points against John McDonnell
    David Boothroyd Sat Apr 14, 2007 at 07:27:38 PM GMT Facebook

    Is this the one and only Boothroyd? Then the ("ignore") Glenrothes breaking story is dead in the water, isn't it?

  8. I don't thnk it's a cheap dig at all. Certainly no cheaper than Gordon Brown yelling "do nothing" at David Cameron at PMQ's rather than answering a single one of his questions....

  9. But the NHS is Labour's glory, it is the envy of the world, the Conservatives want to privatise the NHS etc. etc. etc.
    Have I beaten Dolly to the lines?

  10. @ David Boothroyd


    What with your near contemptuous dismissal of suggested Glenrothes ballot-rigging here and Tom Harris's almost instantaneous response on Guido that Glenrothes is not an issue because "...it was a by-election, when the number of postal votes always goes up significantly..." (by 400%!!) suggests a nerve has been touched somewhere in Labour HQ.

    Alex Salmond has been looking for something to divert attention away from his current Budget difficulties - I think you and Tom Harris may just have contributed to ensuring he has found it...

  11. I have an urgent need to throw a shoe at somebody. Can the panel make any recommendations please?

  12. You're a boring old man. Please take your own life.

  13. If Labour's pride in the NHS ended after a sale of anniversary merchandise, as Boothroyd the Younger (who hasn't a billionth of a percent the breadth and quality of Betty) is trying to suggest, then that tells us a lot.

    It was just for grabbing headlines when there was an opportunity to do so. There is no other interpretation that I can deduce (though I am sure that Labour supporters and apologists will now invent one).

    The Glenrothes "missing register" story, on the other hand, is far more interesting, as the first thing any responsible Authority would do is to scan in all the papers, or at the very least take safety photocopies of them.

    You never put (or keep) all your eggs in just the one basket, unless there is something dodgy (or completely and criminally incompetent) behind this episode.

    I know, as someone who [a] operates a comprehensive multiple backup regime, both on-site and off-site, all encrypted (and that's without having any staff!) and [b] has handled several marked registers in recent years.

    This certainly needs to be thoroughly investigates; and again it opens up the question of postal votes as they are currently permitted and implemented.

    In common with the theme of the original post, it is all to do with the way Labour conduct themselves, and the vast difference between the (very thin) veneer of apparently respectability and the reality of rot that lies lies beneath.

  14. Dear Mr DespicableLiberal,

    "I have an urgent need to throw a shoe at somebody. Can the panel make any recommendations please?"

    Got a mirror?

  15. @ David Boothroyd

    "the merchandise has probably sold out but someone forgot to delete the link."

    How do you know this?

    "Some court has thrown away the marked registers presumably because they didn't know they had to keep them. There's no indication that any votes have been rigged."

    And how do you know this?

    Or do we have to accept that these are another couple of Boothroyd figments?

  16. Reminds me of the original Conservative Party website -- which was under the impression that the Internet and WWW had been built by the private sector (I guess they'd never heard of DARPA and CERN) and "Conservative Values" led to 404 file not found.
