Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Sunday

1. The Young Britons Madrassa Foundation announces details of their US Summer School.
2. Paul Canning looks at what Britain's blogosphere can learn from America and critiques the latest Labour online efforts.
3. Dave's Part takes issue with me over the BNP being a leftist party.
4. PoliticalBetting puts its finger on why LabourList may struggle.
5. Ben Brogan asks: where's Gordon?
6. Glyn Davies thinks Gordon Brown is Nixon reincarnated.
7. Tom Harris says there needs to be transparency in the Edinburgh adoption scandal.
8. Tim Montgomerie on why Conservatism mustn't fossilise.
9. Tracey Crouch commits the cardinal sin for a parliamentary candidate.
10. Donal Blaney on why Jenny Tonge is a dangerous crackpot.
11. Richard Willis on being Frank Field.
12. Tory Radio on who's to blame for the BNP.

1 comment:

  1. You missed mine! I do political fortune telling!
