Monday, February 02, 2009

The 9 Scariest Words In the English Language

Just received an email from Twitter with the nine scariest words in the English Language...

Karl Rove is now following your Twitter feed updates

And if you'd like to do so too, click HERE and then click FOLLOW.

Now I have to work out what to do today. We're cut off from the main road, and even if I could get out, City Airport is closed, which means I can't spend two days shadowing Nigel Farage in the European Parliament. Now I have to work out how I get a refund from Air France and if I can get back the £400 I have already shelled out through Expedia to stay in a swanky hotel. Anyone got advice for this shivering blogger?

Still, it does mean I have to be at home on Transfer deadline day, so expect lots of inane blogging today. So what's new, I hear you ask. Charming.


  1. Transfer window days are wicked.

    Nothing good linked for you mind.

    We are getting back the green judas it seems, the N5 mob are getting their buttocks shaved and a whole bunch of loans may occur.

    The weather may scupper it all.....

  2. Aren't there 8 words in that sentence?!

  3. Not so scary.
    Maybe more a sign of how little he has to occupy himself with these days.

  4. Iain,

    If you paid by credit card you may be covered! Check with them. Cards differ on this point.But Insurance companies call this' An act of God!'

  5. Nine more suprising words... "Countdown's Carol Vorderman to front David Cameron's maths initiative"

    I know she's good at sums, but is she really best placed to carry out a review of this nature?

    Smacks slightly of gimmicks, n'est pas?

  6. Shame about Strasbourg. Farage came to speak to our sixth formers last week and was on good form; definitely looking forward to the GQ profile I thought!

  7. I am not sure those were the nine words Ronald Reagan had in mind... :)

  8. Yes, sometimes your blog can be on the inane side Iain, although to be fair, it is quite entertaining today and you seem to be doing a good job amusing us on a snowy morning.

    Can't help noticing that the original "IMF: Britain to go Bankrupt" story has vanished though, and you never did get back to us after your request to Sky for a review of the original mateiral.

    I suppose it's all best forgotten seeing as there wasn't an ounce of truth in your allegation that the IMF said that.

    Well done for slagging off P. Hitchens today BTW, the man is a total prat.

  9. Despairing, It hasn't vanished at all. Only the last 5 days posts stay on the front page. It is still in the archive.

    I had an email back from Sky to say it has been passed to their library.

    And for the nth times, it wasn't MY allegation, it was Sky's.

  10. Don't blame you, I'd be scared too!

  11. Iain,

    Which particular Karl Rove is stalking you?

  12. pity, I was going to invite you for a Lucozade if you had come to Strasbourg. There is snow on the ground here in Strasbourg too but the transport is running, and so is Eurostar I have been told. If you tell me which hotel you were booked into I can go and harangue them for you if you like - snooty French is the only language they understand.

  13. Well if we can get Southend Airport to plough the snow off the runway I'm going to Paris empty to pick up passengers this afternoon. We could do you a deal.

  14. @ Richard

    Navigation skills? Where did you say you were aiming for?

  15. Afraid that unless you've got travel insurance you might find that Expedia will try to wriggle their way out of providing you with a refund. Sorry Iain.

  16. Nigel said... “Maybe more a sign of how little he has to occupy himself with these days.”

    Karl Rove is about to be found in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify. He's even had the gall to ask Obama to extend ‘executive privilege’ to him!

    So I think he and his lawyers are pretty busy at the moment. And of course Rove still appears on the rabidly right-wing Fox News every ten minutes.

  17. Come and live in Perthshire Iain. About 4 inches of snow but all main roads clear, airports seem ok and the buses and trains are running fine.

    Auch we're a hardy lot us Scots and we cracked this snow business years ago!

  18. You want your £400 back? Simple. Just go onto Sky News and do another newspaper review. Sit there for about 20 minutes talking about papers? Must be the easiest £400 anyone could ever make. ;-)

  19. You clearly have a very inflated view on what Sky pay for paper reviews :)

  20. Is that why you seem to do around three of them every week? ;-)

    Incidentally, is Anna Botting really that gorgeous in the flesh?

  21. I wish! I actually do on average two a month with Sky and two with the Beeb.

    Anna Botting is indeed that gorgeous. I tell you, if things were different...

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Iain Dale said... “Anna Botting is indeed that gorgeous. I tell you, if things were different...”

    Lovely person.

    Even if she did fall into inexplicable uncontrollable coquettish giggles with Kelvin Mackenzie the other day.

  24. Iain Dale said... “I actually do on average two a month with Sky and two with the Beeb.”

    Tim Walker seems to be on morning noon and night on all channels.
