Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Barack Obama Really Thinks of Gordon Brown

It wasn't only Dawn Butler who had a letter from Barack Obama. It appears the Prime Minister got one too... Thanks to City Unslicker for uncovering it.

What have I started?


  1. I've got one now too only its from Gordon

  2. This one is more believable than the one that Brown's Butler claims she got.

  3. The Sun is not impressed by Ms Butler.

    MP's Obarmy

  4. This is clearly a forgery.

    When compared to his last note - are we expected to believe that Obama's use of the English language improves 'overnight'??!!

    Plus - how does anyone explain how the President has suddenly become a much better judge of character?

    P.S. Would love to hear if Dawn Butler has any response to Unity's forensic 'Photoshop' analysis of the original note.......

  5. He must have written that having 'endured' Brown's miserable, dull interview on this morning's Today Programme. Global, global, banking crisis, we are doing, global, global, the world, President Obama, global......

  6. Tee hee, very good.

    I suppose Barack will also endorse a number of leading Tory bloggers?

  7. This could become a new national trend this weekend!

  8. David Cameron, today, warns of National Bankruptcy - WHY ONLY NOW?

    The task of an opposition is to frame policies for problems ahead. Many people have seen this coming for years!

    I see something far more worrying within his text. Progessive, is the code word used by New Labour for the problems which have been the cause of the problem?

    In the same article Cameron refers to "Progressive Conservatism". I quote the extraordinary passage which will cause concern amongst many supporters.

    "Progressive conservatism" was best placed to address the problems of social exclusion, he said. It would also help build a better civic society, address the economic problems the country faces, and protect public services.

    He then singles out Alan Milburn, the smiling marxist,as a progressive and gives me the feeling that he, Cameron, is sending out signals that he would serve under Milburn in a Government of National Unity.

    Do others share my interpretation?

  9. I'm amazed. I didn't think Obama even knew who Gordon Brown was.

  10. Nope strapworld - your living in conspiracy cloud cukoo land.

    Milburn is a Blairite not a marxist. You want marxist heritage - loook to the Millibands.

    The plain fact he is right.

    Its pretty clear that Brown and the labour party are shot through and finished - I mean who on earth put up Flint for Question Time, the only woman to make Mrs Balls look presentable.

    If they cannot figure that out - how can we expect them to manage the economy?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Funny that. Obama has written to me also. In it, he says that he thinks I'm a really great guy - and has also pledged to come and have a beer with me next time he's in the West Lancashire area...

    Can we get pissed together? YES WE CAN!!!

    (as long as he's paying, obviously).

  13. hooray says the BBC Guantanamo is being closed

    Are British troops (and their families) in Afghanistan going to be cheering?

  14. President Obama has confirmed that I am the key contributor to the Iain Dale column. He also assures me that he has the highest regard for me and that I will henceforth be known as a Friend of Barack. I am also to tell you that he does not think much of Essex generally.

    Please take note and treat me more respectfully in future. That goes for you too Iain "Essex boy" Dale.

  15. In the latter days of the life of Salvador Dali he went gaga and was surrounded by a very unsavoury types who made him sign hundreds of thousands of blank pieces of paper. They were subsequently used to produce fake Dalis and accordingly, his value on the art market bombed.

    Jesus had the same problem with bits of the Cross.

    I was seriously thinking of writing to George Bush and asking for his autograph and a signed endorsement, on the basis that these will be very rare in the future and worth a lot more than those of the present incumbent.


    Having met the blogger Iain Dale, I can see why he is only one of two Tory bloggers whose blogs I bother to read. He is bright, intelligent, determined - his writing has never been sharper. I say to the people who read Iain Dale's Diary that you should have the audacity of hope and when someone asks you can he do it, you respond yes we can.

    President Barack Obama

    Well, we can dream, can't we Iain? ;-)

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