Friday, January 23, 2009

Tom Harris Gets a Makeover

Tom Harris has had a makeover. Well, his blog design has. He's also shifted domains, so click HERE to visit his new site. It's a great improvement, albeit that he has no fewer than four pictures of himself in the gigantic blog banner. A big well done to my old mate Mike Rouse for the new design. I'm glad he's finished Tom's - he can now get on with designing me a new template for my West Ham blog!


  1. Cheers Iain, I'm glad it's gone down so well. A few bits of feedback here and there that have been acted on, but on the whole a good launch. The automatic redirect from his old blog is now working too.

    On to the West Ham blog... Can I get a photo of you dressed up as a hammer? Only kidding...

  2. Why do you keep on promoting Tom Harris's blog? Is it because he's another Tory? He's certainly no liberal.

  3. It's sparing and neat and loads quickly and has all the hallmarks of a professional job (though there are a few teething problems right now) but the actual artwork is heavy with lots of red at the top and kind of makes Tom out to be a bit of a Leninspart, which of course he is not.

    In a way, the fact that "the look" has not been mediated by Bogle Bartle Hegarty and a lot of creatives is refreshing.

  4. @geomannie
    "Why do you keep on promoting Tom Harris's blog? Is it because he's another Tory?"

    Have you been drinking? If you really have no idea what i'm talking about then maybe political blogs aren't for you.....

    I like the new site. The only problem is that the banner at the top is HUGE. Needs to be about half that size IMHO.
