Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ten New Blogs

Subrosa - A Dundee housewife's view of Scottish politics
Fetler's Blog - Left of centre
John Rentoul
Jane Merrick
Andy McSmith
Independent Politics Blog
Martin Westlake - Europe based, left of centre
From One End of Kent - Thanet Labour councillor
Dual Citizen USA
Sepoy Agent - Right wing

These blogs aren't necessarily newly created, but I haven't known about them before and they had not, until now, appeared in the TP Blog Directory.

Visit the Total Politics Blog Directory which contains more than 1,800 blogs. If you know of one which isn't there, please fill in the Submit a New Blog form on the left hand side of THIS page.


  1. Thank you Iain for the mention. Much appreciated.

    I noticed you interpreted the Scots!

  2. LD's & Labour are in this together!

    Time to give them two fingers!

    Labour LD Labour - Out Out Out!
