Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quote of the Day

"The problem with socialism is that you
eventually run out of other people's money."

Margaret Thatcher


  1. Socialism? What socialism?

    I think I vaguely remember socialism. But it hasn’t been seen during the Tory-lite New Labour years.

    Are you implying it’s due for a revival?

  2. Communism - only 100 million dead, let's try it again!

  3. Other people's money? This is from the Ass. of LibDem Coucillors commenting on a by-election win last week:
    "Didsbury West Ward is not inner-city Manchester and contains the multi-million pound mansions of several Labour MP’s – yes that affluent."

  4. Advocates of capitalism are very apt to appeal to the sacred principles of liberty, which are embodied in one maxim: The fortunate must not be restrained in the exercise of tyranny over the unfortunate

  5. The problem with free market fundamentalism is that every so often the wheels fall off.

  6. Unfortunately, when they run out of people's money, they don't stop there, they then resort to borrowing against their future earnings. So Thatcher was only half right.

  7. "There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families" Margaret Thatcher

    Better tell that to David Cameron who is very busy trying to repair the society that she tried to destroy.

    Doesn't that quote encapsulate the heartless individualism that was her philosophy?

    She got it so wrong. Individuals and families can only be successful in the context of a fair and just society.

  8. Canvas, you are a fine one to talk about context! Perhaps you should look at that single line quote in the context of the paragraph it was contained in. Of course, if you did, you would find that it didn't fit your negative narrative, which basically consists of "If Margaret Thatcher said it or did it, I'm against it"!

  9. Iain Dale said... “Your negative narrative, which basically consists of "If Margaret Thatcher said it or did it, I'm against it"!”

    Here, here. Well said that man.

  10. @ Simon Gardner

    Where, where?


    There, there?

  11. ""If Margaret Thatcher said it or did it, I'm against it"! Me thinks > Mostly true...

    However, I will investigate further since I would hate to be unfair to an old woman.

    Iain, I like the way you allow comments that you disagree with. Do you know what - I posted a very polite but highly critical comment on John Prescott's blog (his pop at Jon Cruddas) and surprise surpise - censored!

    I will never post on that blog again. It just goes to show that this Labour government will not listen. They are control freaks.

    To hell with them.

    Let them go down with Gordon.

  12. KP - Cobblers, that's oligarchy. Free market capitalism creates wealth for everyone. Plumbers get rich working for rich clients.

    Doc Richard. Sort of. But behind every time that allegedly the 'wheels fall off' you find the sticky fingers of politicians who forget the rules, or try to chnage them. Then markets pass judgment on these failures and we suffer. Now, we have markets passing judgement on unsound money and useless supervision of bankers who are in reality a cartle supplier of a monopoly product.

  13. Canvas said... "Iain, I like the way you allow comments that you disagree with."

    He's quite lovely really...

  14. @ Canvas

    "Let them go down with Gordon."

    Actually, many have already gone down on Gordon - allegedly.

    But your point is well made. I've occasionally lashed out at Iain - as have many others of his regular readership. I think he does an excellent job of maintaining his cool. And, after all, which of us is without sin?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. When they run out of our money, they decide to go on a borrowing binge of record proportions.And when no sensible investor will buy any mor U.K Government securities, they resort to the printing press - "Quantitative easing" - the Robert Mugabe way of "solving" economic inconveniences.

  17. it's funny how my Cruddas comment suddenly appears on John Prescott's blog (an entire day later) after I complain about it on here? hmmmmmm

    funny old world...or not?

    Go Fourth/John Prescott can't have it both ways. It's either a proper blog or another version of that rubbish propaganda site labourlist.

    I'm very suspicious of them now...

  18. "The problem with international banks is that eventually they run out of other people's money."

    Primly Stable, 2009
