Thursday, January 01, 2009

Nearly 600,000 Individuals Read This Blog in 2008

During 2008 this blog has had visits from nearly 600,000 absolute unique visitors, 3.5 million visits and more than 5 million page views. And do you know what? I'm quite proud of that!

Absolute Unique Visitors 598,163 (2007 404,466) +48%
Visits 3,508,591 (2007 2,512,808) +39%
Page Views 5,085,544 (2007 3,752,458) +35%

I wrote 2,320 blogposts during 2008, an average of 6.36 a day, around the same as 2007.

As usual I am indebted to the hundreds of blogs who direct traffic here through links. Here is a Roll of Honour of all the blogs who sent me more than 2,500 visitors during the course of 2008.

1. Guido Fawkes 235,335 2. ConservativeHome 194,074 3. Spectator Coffee House 115,325 4. 86,596 5. Times Comment Central 41,116 6. Dizzy Thinks 40,539 7. Ben Brogan 16,263 8. Biased BBC 14,730 9. NHS Blog Doctor 14,306 10. Devil's Kitchen 11,732 11. Telegraph Blogs 11,658 12. Bloggerheads 11,326 13. Recess Monkey 10,419 14. Boulton & Co 10,240 15. Daily Referendum 8,505 16. Archbishop Cranmer 8,416 17. Little Man in a Toque 8,200 18. Tim Worstall 7,674 19. Bob Piper 6,925 20. Chris Paul 6,289 21. Burning our Money 5,844 22. Old Holborn 5,783 23. Adam Smith Institute 5,647 24. EU Referendum 5,580 25. Tom Harris 5,327 26. UK Polling Report 5,080 27. Obo the Clown 4,707 28. Luke Akehurst 4,705 29. An Englishman's Castle 4,651 30. Paul Linford 4,644 31. LibDem Voice 4,27 32. National Review Corner 4,016 33. LabourHome 3,815 34. SNP Tactical Voting 3,758 35. Tom Watson 3,394 36. John Redwood 3,250 37. Liberal England 3,079 38. Donal Blaney 3,034 39. City Unslicker 2,650
40. Slugger O'Toole 2,525


  1. Keep up the great work Iain.

    Glad I was (somehow) able to pass so many people in your direction...

  2. That is impressive Iain but to me your blog , authoritative though it is , is suffering from familiarity fatigue a bit . I think the liveliest blog is now Liberal Conspiracy though. It is a forum really and it has more disparate voices with extended "debate/abuse". This has set me thinking
    For ordinary Conservatives like me its hard to participate what with working and family commitments (who knows even the odd leaflet).A plot is therefore hatching in my ‘brane’ to launch a right centre forum for Liberals and Conservatives to debate their differences in a friendly way .Ideally it would have up to ten regular contributors .This would also be a way for the gentlemen (moi) to rival the players ( you ) a bit .
    I have a sense that right wing bloggery has stalled a bit and it is partly due to the magnificent but nutrient sucking activates of the two big trees ( you and Guidot ). It needs a new impetus and if it is not going to consist only of odd bods and professionals the way forward is surely the joint stock blog/Forum.

    That will be the project for 2009 unless I am too busy ( more likely ).It would be nice if working family chaps, me and Cassislis for example , had somewhere to micro publish anyway.

  3. That's a great achievment. But my prediction for 2009 is that having a fewer number of readers which are more valuable will prove more useful than large numbers who just pass through.

  4. You're a star blogger, Iain!

    Newmania - if you can pull that off and stay married and employed then I'll be impressed. If Iain will forgive me, I think the best blogs tend to be run by sad blog-nutters who cannot go more than 24hrs away from the net without getting the shakes, do not have children and can spend their time staying abreast of all that is current and blog-tastic. Those and people who blog when they should be working.

    You seem to assume that if you set up the forum you want it will run itself. Wrong! If it's any good, Newms, even if you don't moderate it, you will want to participate. It will become the wanton mistress that lures you away from hearth and home because it is your creation. You will comment, you will contribute, you will fiddle and improve. You will become.... the blog Frankenstein and it your monster.

    Or alternatively it might be crap.

    But I don't think so :-)

  5. Cheers Iain,

    You sent me 11,570 visitors.
