Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Very Happy 2009!

So, it's the last blogpost of 2008 and its purpose is to wish all my readers a very Happy New Year.

I'm not going to do New Year's resolutions. I'll leave that to Tom Harris. The last time I made a New Year's resolution was in 1999 and that was to give up drinking. And I kept to it. But the disadvantage is that I now have to explain to people that, no, I am not a recovering alcoholic - I just don't like the stuff.

We've got three completely barking mad female friends about to arrive (including Rena Valeh, late of 18DS fame), so it's time to sign off until tomorrow. I hope you enjoy yourselves this evening. I normally hate New Year's Eve. My most memorable was spent in Palm Springs in 1994/5. I had had such an awful time the previous New Year's Eve that I decided to go abroad. I flew in on 30 December, went out for a walk on the evening of the 31st, then decided to have a quick snooze before the festivities got underway - and awoke at 2am the next day having missed New Year completely. Perfect.


  1. I've enjoyed your blog in 2008, you've inspired me to keep going with mine although its not as interesting as yours I hasten to add!
    Good health and happiness to you in 2009!

  2. God bless you for enabling proper political debate in 2008. Wishing you and partner and Gio the best for 2009. May we have a better country and world this time next year. Amen.

  3. Iain,

    A very happy new year to you and all.

    You have given me and so many others much to ponder over this past year and I wish you well for 2009.

    Sadly, I fear it will be a year we will all despair with the lack of leadership from all political parties.

    Still we are always reminded that this country is at its best with its back to the wall. Let us see!

  4. New Year!

    Great time! Unfortunatly for me - I am barred from my loal - looks like the landlord said i was allowed in to the regulars but the big bouncer on the door stopped me coming inside!

  5. Martin - look on the bright side, you're now unbarred at!

  6. Peter - My posts are still in moderation......!!!

  7. Peter - the bloke who runs it lies - as he has done for the last week or so! He is a LD after all: I will look at something to take all traffic away from him: He is not a Liberal just a cnut! A pretty dunb one as well!

    If he thinks posting stuff on his website allowing posting and then not bothering fouls anyone he is mistaken - I think he delibratly rigged his polls to oust me from posting.

  8. Iain, I wish you a Happy New Year as I do to all the regulars hereabouts.

    To the Hoons in power....your days are bog off!

  9. Iain

    A Happy New Year, and thank you for having the sheer stamina and resilience to keep on with your splendid blog.

  10. Happy New Year, Iain, and do yourself a favour, lose Braindead Bob Piper from your list of clickthroughs.

  11. Happy New Year Mr Dale.

    Happy New Year to Gio too - woof woof!

    Have an Orange Juice on me Iain!

    P/S Martin - Try and get me unbarred from Vote 2007 - you sem to have the Midas Touch dear boy!

    Lets Party!

  12. Braindead Bob Piper from your list of clickthroughs.

    Piper seems a decent bloke to me .( Idiotic on Politics of course)

  13. Geoffrey Brooking,

    Unfortunatly I cannot help - despite me wanting to help!

    LD's are the most disgusting - pointless entities known to the human race!

    In the next few years, given the correct resources i will vanquish the parasites but in the mean tme:

  14. Completely agree about the contrived fatuousness of New Year celebrations. Supper with some decent wine, in bed by 10.30, read a bit (Simone de Beauvoir's love letters to Nelson Algren: exquisite) and conked out while the church-bells were tuning up before midnight. Woke at 6.00, strolled to village-shop for the Daily Murdoch, plenty of good coffee. Perfect.

    Happy New Year to you, Iain, and thanks for another year's wit, wisdom and silliness. Here's to 2009, which I can't help feeling will be far better than we fear.

  15. Happy new year Iain and all the best for 2009
