Friday, December 19, 2008

Why Ed Balls Should Never Go back to Norwich

Poor Ed Balls. Whenever he goes to watch Norwich City they seem to lose. And today he went back to visit his old Primary School in Bawburgh, on the outskirts of the "Fine City". He probably wishes he hadn't bothered. The headmistress had a blunt message for him, according to the Eastern Daily Press...
Mrs Baldwin said if she had a chance to chat with the minister she would say that the “whole state of education was going down hill rapidly” and the Labour manifesto of “education, education education” under Tony Blair had “totally slipped”.

From the horse's mouth.


  1. "If she had a chance to chat to the minister..."

    Did Balls not stop for a word with the Head? Or did he just pose with the kids, who don't ask awkward questions?

  2. Kids must love his name as it's quite an acceptable word to teach your kids.

  3. I cant help thinking that Balls is in the cabinet to exert influence over Brown and as Chancellor in waiting.

    The eduction job is just a means to an end for him and Brown.

  4. Every blog in the UK mentions this blog, so it was time to visit.

    Being named Balls, sounds like a cruel joke.

  5. But in nulab la la land things slide uphill so that's all right then.
    Black is white and up is down and ....well you get the picture.

  6. "Poor Ed Balls".

    I don't think so. Poor US more like, having to put up with such a useless waste of space.

  7. There's also an excellent diagnosis of Mr Balls problems by Michael Gove over on Youtube here.

    Mr Gove should be available for kids parties !

  8. The bastard is from Norfolk? Ohhhhh, the shame, the shame!!!!!

    The Penguin

  9. He should GO to Norwich. If he cannot face his traducers then he is a coward!.

    The Head has got to be listened to. Perhaps the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats will give her a platform.
