Saturday, December 20, 2008

2008 End of Year Awards: Your Nominations Please

As usual, I'll be creating my End of Year Awards poll and will be putting it online later today or tomorrow. If you'd care to nominate people in the following categories, please do so in the comments...

Politician of the Year
Minister of the Year
Worst Minister of the Year
Conservative MP of the Year (non front bench)
Labour MP of the Year (non Minister)
LibDem MP of the Year
Minority Party MP of the Year
Political Commentator/Columnist of the Year
Favourite Political TV Programme
Favourite Political Radio Programme
Broadcast Journalist of the Year
Print Journalist of the Year
Communicator of the Year
Campaigner of the Year
Speech of the Year
Pressure Group of the Year
Think Tank of the Year
Peer of the Year
Humorist of the Year
Blog Personality of the Year
Right Wing Blog of the Year
Left Wing Blog of the Year
LibDem Blog of the Year
Political Website of the Year (non blog)
International Politician of the Year
Gaffe of the Year
Moment of the Year
Hate Figure of the Year
Sexiest Male Politician of the Year
Sexiest Female Politician of the Year
Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish Politician of the Year

To nominate in any or all of the categories click HERE.


  1. Iain, Haven't you missed out Conservative Front Bencher of the Year? There is only room for non-front bencher for the Tories...although it's probably covered elsewhere and I'm being thick...

  2. I have added this as a category now.

  3. Politician of the Year: Gordon Brown
    Minister of the Year: James Purnell
    Conservative MP of the Year: Ken Clarke
    Labour MP of the Year: Peter Hain
    LibDem MP of the Year: Vince Cable
    Political Commentator/Columnist of the Year: Jackie Ashley
    Favourite Political TV Programme: Newsnight
    Favourite Political Radio Programme: Today
    Broadcast Journalist of the Year: Jeremy Paxman
    Print Journalist of the Year: Polly Toynbee
    Communicator of the Year: Kevin Pietersen
    Speech of the Year: Gordon Brown, Party Conference
    Pressure Group of the Year: Amnesty International
    Think Tank of the Year: Fabian Society
    Peer of the Year: Peter Mandelson
    Humorist of the Year: Clive James
    Right Wing Blog of the Year: Iain Dale’s Diary
    International Politician of the Year: Barack Obama
    Gaffe of the Year: George Osborne
    Moment of the Year: Election of Obama
    Hate Figure of the Year: George Osborne
    Sexiest Male Politician of the Year: Bob Marshall-Andrews
    Sexiest Female Politician of the Year: Yvette Cooper
    Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish Politician of the Year: Gordon Brown

  4. I'd like to nominate Gordon Brown for 'Gaffe of the Year', as apparently he mentioned something about saving the world recently?

  5. On your other page you list 'Conservative Frontbencher of the Year who is not in the Shadow Cabinet'.

    Offhand, I can't think of a single one.

  6. There is something very weird going on here. I was considering 'Sexiest male politician' when an image of Bob Marshall Andrews swam into my mind and I could not get rid of it. In the same moment I began to doubt my sanity. Now I see that I am not alone. This is extremely worrying. Especially for Bob Marshall Andrews, I would think.

  7. Paddy - are you alright lad? Is there anyone we should phone?

  8. Iain,

    Why can you nominate Lib Dem Blog of the year but not Labour or Conservative ones?? Just a question....

  9. Darrell, because I thought this was the best way of doing it. If I had separated Right of Centre from Conservative, it would have mean yet more categories, and there are far too many as it is!

  10. James Landale as the buffest broadcaster ...

  11. Politician of the Year: None
    Minister of the Year: None
    Worst Minister of the Year: All of them
    Conservative MP of the Year (non front bench): John Redwood
    Labour MP of the Year (non Minister): None of them.
    LibDem MP of the Year: Who?
    Minority Party MP of the Year: None of them.
    Political Commentator/Columnist of the Year: Andrew Neill
    Favourite Political TV Programme: Daily politics
    Favourite Political Radio Programme: None
    Broadcast Journalist of the Year: Please. Shoot the lot of them.
    Print Journalist of the Year: Jeff Randall
    Communicator of the Year: Not the Gorgon, obviously.
    Campaigner of the Year: Eh?
    Speech of the Year: None
    Pressure Group of the Year: None
    Think Tank of the Year: IEA
    Peer of the Year: None
    Humorist of the Year: Gorgon, for saving the world
    Blog Personality of the Year: Iain Dale
    Right Wing Blog of the Year: Mine
    Left Wing Blog of the Year: Are there any?
    LibDem Blog of the Year: Who?
    Political Website of the Year (non blog): Pass
    International Politician of the Year: Peer Steinbruck
    Gaffe of the Year: Accidentally arresting an opposition for doing his job
    Moment of the Year: Gaffe of the year
    Hate Figure of the Year: Gorgon, Jacqboot, Bollocks, the Mumbler, Chipmunk ... the list is endless.
    Sexiest Male Politician of the Year: Cleggover
    Sexiest Female Politician of the Year: Theresa May, as long as she doesn't say anything.
    Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish Politician of the Year: Alex Tuna

  12. sexiest male politician of the year: Mark Field MP

  13. English politician of the year is missing

  14. For what it's worth, I think Sky NEWS' Stuart Ramsay, reporting undercover all week from inside Zimbabwe, deserves some sort of award.

  15. Some But not all

    Politician of the Year- Boris Johnson
    Minister of the Year: Peter Madelson
    Worst Minister of the Year Gordon Brown
    Conservative MP of the Year (non front bench)Dave Davis
    Labour MP of the Year (non Minister)Tom Harris
    LibDem MP of the Year John Hemming
    Minority Party MP of the Year- Ian Paisley
    Blog Personality of the Year-Guido
    Right Wing Blog of the Year-Devil's Kitchen

    International Politician of the Year Preident Elect Obama
    Gaffe of the Year
    Moment of the Year
    Hate Figure of the Year
    Sexiest Male Politician of the Year
    Sexiest Female Politician of the Year- harriet Harman- (after her posing for Total Politics)
    Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish Politician of the Year Alex Salmond


  17. First of all, the name is Iain.

    Second of all, I asked for nominations. That did not guarantee inclusion. He didn't get enough nominations to warrant it.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. "Clean my ass",

    I don't know who you are but Thank you for the nomination; it is not Iain's fault you were the only person nominating me (LOL)

    Iain is a good man at heart so don’t go around shouting the odds without the facts!
