Friday, October 03, 2008

My Top 10 Reshuffle Tips

1. Hilary Benn to be sacked from the Cabinet and replaced by Ed Miliband at DEFRA.
2. Tony McNulty to be Chief Whip or Transport Secretary.
3. Caroline Flint to enter the Cabinet.
4. Geoff Hoon to remain in the Cabinet, but possibly not as Chief Whip.
5. Liam Byrne to enter the Cabinet, possibly at the Cabinet Office.
6. Jim Murphy to be the first Secretary of State for the Nations
7. John Hutton to move, possibly to Defence or the Home Office.
8. Des Browne to lose one or both of his jobs.
9. Shaun Woodward to move to the DTI.
10. Paul Murphy to leave the government.


  1. When you read through these names you realise how un-stellar the Labour squad is. There is little that can come off the bench and make any impact. Moving the deckchairs around now makes Brown look weak and Cameron's decision to keep his team as it is demonstrates strength.

    Ed Miliband is a complete waste of space. McNulty is a hectoring moron. Flint is out of her depth. Hoon is a dissembling loon. Byrne is grossly over rated. Jim Murphy is a lying cure for insomnia. Hutton is the best of this bunch, which is a low bar in any case. Browne may be likeable but utterly ineffective. Woodward was promoted as a reward for defecting. Paul Murphy seems decent was always a non-entity.

  2. DTI? Finger on the pulse as ever, I see...

    Btw, who will get the 'DETR' job and whose destined for the 'Ministry of War'?

  3. cameron in as part of national government

    national government leading into WW3

  4. Lets sack the Queen

    Boris half cocked attempt to sack Blair simply means the public will have to pay out even more in compensation for constructive dismissal

    Antway this is Boris way of upstagging Cameron

    death match on

  5. Hutton said to be fighting hard to keep his job, with some support from business.

    Surely it would be a big mistake for Brown to try to crush Hutton. He could be making a rod for his own back - especially after previous (alleged!) utterances by Hutton about the Supreme Leader's capabilities.

  6. Ivan Lewis out from Health too?

  7. Deckchairs Titanic.......


  8. Flint to Transport, Cooper to BERR, Byrne to Cabinet Office, E Miliband to Chief Sec.

    Rest in new year, cos Hoon to Europe would mean losing another by-election.

  9. Lets follow Boris lead and sack every Lefty from every health authority, police board, school govenors

    That way we can get DC national governmnet

  10. Cruddas to housing. Hutton to defence. Drayson to trade.

  11. Big bets being taken on Boris being the next Conservative PM....why ???

  12. Anon 8:58 - Are you one of the Rapid Re-Butts ?

    The Conservatives have a number of people who would make a great PM, Labour can't even find one......

  13. Who are these 'Murphies', I've never heard of them ?

  14. tony sharp - you are an arrogant, rude, imperceptive moron with a very small dick on your head who has zero political analysis skill.

    Apart from your assessment of Geoff Hoon, which is, er, absolutely spot on..

  15. Mandelson is returning to government. Dishonesty pays.

  16. Mandy - third time lucky? And prize hypocrisy, given his relations with Gordo.

  17. I'd agree with Mr Sharp's observations as to the various (in)abilities, with one slight addition - they are all mendacious devious bastards.
