Friday, October 03, 2008

1964 Election Night Coverage

Just to let you know that BBC Parliament is showing the 1964 election night coverage between 10am and 3pm today.


  1. Ah, yes! Thanks for the heads-up: I'll have it on and keep an eye on it while doing a few other things.

  2. "Just to let you know that BBC Parliament is showing the 1964 election night coverage between 10am and 3pm today"

    Thrilling, thanks Ian I'm going to paint the wall and watch it dry. It's a job I have been putting off for ages.

  3. Oh, I don't know, anon!

    Best quote so far is from David Butler, explaining that one reason for the size of the majority in one Northern constituency was because "the sitting member was standing again".

    Next, he'll be lying down...

  4. I stuffed leaflets through doors for the great Eric Lubbock! I was relieved that the world seemed to still be revolving when HW won – I had only been 5 years old at the time of the previous Labour government so didn’t remember it very well.

    Incidentally a widely derided Prime Minister, who had only been in office a short time and who had not been elected as PM in a General Election, came within a whisker of a surprise win. Plus ca change?

  5. Ahhh, Bob McKenzie and his 5 bob cardboard swingometer, Ray Gunther and his drinking buddy George Brown, and after Gaitskell's unexpected death (which I wrote about in my diary - how sad is that!) new boy in his Gannex raincoat, St Bruno pipe tobacco, 'live from Billericay'(they liked to be the first to declare), Quintin Hogg, Iain McCloud.......

    Unfortunately, I am old enough to remember it the first time round.

  6. God help me as a 15 year old school leaver i number took for Richard Marsh that day. Amazing stuff. Bessie Braddock puffing on a gaspeer while her result wasread out... RP accents that you could cut with a knife... and to show there is honour in politics, Bob Boothby and Gerald Nabarro distancing themselves from peter Griffith's result in Smethwick. Oh, yes, and amzing that there were still COnservative and National Liberal candiddtes as late as 1964

  7. And to set it all to music look a the charts for that week

  8. That was the first election I took an interest in, I was going to Tech. at the time. I got so angry at their incessant class warfare bollocks.

    I started to actively dislike Labour then and that dislike has only grown greater in the succeeding years !!

    Top 40 chart looks entirely too familiar even now..
