Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Eric Pickles Exposed

Here's a short biographical film made by The Observer and shown at their fringe last night. It is about Eric Pickles, featuring a few bon mots from yours truly. It's 7 minutes long. Do stick with it until the end, where I describe Eric as ... well, watch it and see.


  1. Never mind Eric - what happened to Guido? His website is unobtainable.

  2. Dizzy's site is unobtainable too... Very bizarre!

  3. All of, everywhere, appears to have disappeared, actually. Hope it comes back soon...

  4. Oops, no it hasn't, because this is on, isn't it? How embarrassing. Well, the and homepages have now reappeared, they were't around when I tried 10 mins ago

  5. Guido still off - and Dizzy too. I just hate co-incidences, like this, don't you? Shady goings-on?

  6. Guido's site still defaults to Google? Why?

  7. Worse - DK's goes to google but MoT goes to itself. That's inconsistent.

  8. Perhaps Guido took a hit when the markets fell? Hope he's back up and running soon. Nothing the NuLab establishment would love more than the decline of bloggs....

  9. Well, they shouldn't like it because if there is one thing which is going to make traders dump everything and get in to rowing boats, it is holes appearing in the three main blogsites where the bloggers are at the Tory conference and supposed to be covering it.

    Did I miss the burning down of the Reichstag, or is that next month?

  10. There are others down too. Last of the Few (Theo Spark) is doing the same. Looks like anyone vaguely libertarian has been hit.

  11. Perhaps the EU and New Labour have simply shut 'em down. It is, after all, what they have wanted for a while. Any news of the "Civil Contingengies Bill" recently?
    Ah, a dose of paranoia in the morning...

  12. Excellent comments on Pickles by the way Iain, I suspect that there are a few among the Team Cameron Etonistas who think Pickles is a bit of an oik.

    That would be a huge mistake.

    They should be glad to have a politician on board who can connect with ordinary voters so well.

  13. I wonder wat Pickles thinks about the Tatler Hooray Henries.

  14. Nobody else does. They just wonder why the key libertarian blogs appear to have been intereferred with when their authors are thought to be at the Conservative conference.

  15. Sehr Interessant

    The Beloved Country needs someone with his feet on the ground

  16. Sorry guys! I was the anonymous who started this thread. Hands up those who think it is a bit too serious, now, for flippancy. Which party has most to gain from shutting down free speech? Is this a huge own goal?

  17. Guido's back. Been to the loo without telling us. Whole thing still very suspicious,

  18. Guido's back p but I reckon the lad took advantage of the free chablis and is currently puking his guts up - just a hunch.

  19. Not watched the video, but what is that stuck on Eric Pickles' nose?

  20. I believe the 'guido swith off' to be a trial run for some future event (General Election??)

    We have got to work around this. Let us all buy pigeons!

  21. Martin Bell's a prick.

  22. Perhaps the EU and New Labour have simply shut 'em down. It is, after all, what they have wanted for a while. Any news of the "Civil Contingengies Bill" recently?
    Ah, a dose of paranoia in the morning...

    You're not necessarily paranoid John-I noticed something similar happening to several Scottish blogs around the time of the Glasgow east byelection.

    UK-land of democracy and freedom??

    Tell THAT to the marines!


  23. Iain, at least you got West Ham into the video on Pickles. Being a Southerner with a Northern girl-friend,(but living in Portugal) I know exactly what you mean about those Dirty Northern Shites!. Why nothing on Your West Ham site since the Cole posting? I know you are at the Party Conference, but surely West Ham are as close to your heart?

  24. Speaking as a DNB...

    Does anyone else see a parallel between Eric Pickles and Norman "The Norm" Tebbit?

    By the way - does your inappropriate language mean you are banned from your own Blog, Iain?

  25. I can't be bothered Iain. Did you describe him as "John Prescott in a fat suit"? If so, that's very very cruel. But did you see him licking his lips when he talked of crazy Hazie's hilarious donuts for voters kite?

    Overall, I don't think I've heard so much vacuous twaddle from ministers or shadows of any party as we're getting from Birmingham this week. It is basically Blue Labour isn't it? Light blue.

  26. I think you'll find Pickles 'hilarious' comments on bulimia have screwed his chances of becoming chairman.

    On a day when 'Dave' is trying to say that the Tories are all about 'character and judgement' he has an oaf in his shadow cabinet who's just displayed neither.

    Same old Nasty Party

  27. Why do I see a clown's nose on Eric Pickle's face?

  28. so whats Eric doing about equal pay ???

  29. It would be a real shame if big Eric lost out because of one comment about Prescott of all people. The Party would be the looser in the end
