Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Conference Diary: Tuesday 6

Today has been a day of endless fringes. At lunchtime I chaired a Climate Change discussion for the Conservative Women's Organisation, which was quite a genteel occasion. Earlier this evening I spoke on why Parliament is so unrepresentative, and even got heckled. I had the temerity to disagree with Theresa May, who reckoned one reason women don't get involved in politics is because the media discuss their appearance too much. Rubbish, I said. It was the same for men. Had she not heard people discussing William Hague's baldness, David Cameron's partings or Gordon Brown's funny jaw? This provoked one woman in the audience into paroxysms. Well, I exaggerate slightly, but she certainly wasn't about to join the Iain Dale Fan Club.

Then it was on to my final fringe event in the Freedom Zone, where I chaired Tories Got Talent. I had expected the whole thing to be a disaster, but in the end there were too many people wanting to take part. It was great fun, with the real speaking talents on display. Rupert Matthew won the competition - he's number three Euro candidate in the East Midlands. He gave a brilliantly funny speech titled "Don't mention Europe - I did, but I think I got away with it. James Cleverly came second, with Shane Greer, Zehra Zaidi and Robert Cook featuring in the Top Five. I hope this event will become a regular.

Anyway, I have now driven home, and for personal reasons will be missing the last day of the conference. I will explain the reason tomorrow.


  1. If Teresa May had ANY dress sense, she would not be wearing "kitten heels" or leopard skin prints while representing the party in public.

    Her strange tastes are what get discussed, not her appearance.

    Equivalent of DC giving his speeched in a snorkling outfit.

    Silly woman.

    Alan Douglas

  2. Does anybody know where I can place a bet that the Lloyds-TSB shareholders do not approve the HBOS deal.

  3. Does the Blaney arse-licking apology to ConHome foreshadow him looking for a seat. He refuses to publish the question,never mind the answer, on his blog.

  4. Alan Douglas

    You can "sell" HBOS on the IG index


  5. I misread your post first time through and thought you said Iain Dale Fight Club.

    The first rule of IDFC - no one blogs about IDFC ..etc

    I need coffee before this morning starts ...

  6. Iain,

    Did you go home because you were not asked to welcome David Cameron to the stage for his big speech?

  7. Remember 1965?My father Iain Macleod was credited with the term "stagflation" which describes a period when the economy is cursed with stagnation and rising inflation.His words have an awful resonance as we face rising fuel,energy and shopping bills and an economy that is left hanging in the balance,battered by world events that have had a serious knock-on effect.Will our present polticians learn from the past?George Osborne is ready to pick-up the baton.I hope his chance comes sooner rather than later.

  8. And was the woman heckler ugly?

  9. I agree, Iain. Men in politics are criticised on their appearance just as much as women, it's just seen as somehow more acceptable.

    While I find it a bit depressing to think that, should I ever act on my political ambitions, people might talk more about my haircut or my handbag than my policies, it doesn't really put me off.

  10. Dianah.......now there was a REAL politician.

    Unfortunately they don't make them like that any more (well very few).

  11. pm endorses...

    You could try 'shorting' the HBOS stock ! But I suspect this very real eventuality, now that Gordon 'Blunderman' Brown has intervened, has already been factored into the share price - a lively discussion to this end is already taking place on Robert Peston's fine blog..

  12. "Tories Got Talent"

    Jesus wept.

  13. My comment now mysteriously appears on Blaney's Blarney. Shame it took so long. What power your blog has.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

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