Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who has the Cojones to Front Up Gordon Brown?

I have created a two question survey on which Cabinet Ministers you think have the cojones and courage to tell Gordon Brown the time is up...



  1. Rephrase that:

    "Who is muppet enough to push for a leadership election in the PLP when there is a country to run?"

  2. Caroline Flint may well fancy her chances as the Labour equivalent of the iron Lady. It must be remembered the Iron Lady Knifed Ted Heath and got the prize in the 1970’s. Flint has nothing to loose and everything to gain by this as her seat in a Tory landslide is just about in the grey area.

    Some might even say she has a folksy charm like Palin in the states - Indeed I think they both have five KIDS!

    The Interesting thing is the piece in the Scotsman, has Flint come out on TV and denied or even ruled out running for leader. Certainly Flint has an appeal to men like me on a non-political basis but as party leader – I doubt it. She is fine until she opens her mouth: she then blows it every time I see her!

    The Flint Newsnight Interview with Kirsty, Kirsty, Kirsty was a case in point! She is too dominating and assertive for mass public consumption. That said: she is still a babe!

  3. If anyone it will be Straw because he is the most senior, but it won't happen yet because Straw doesn't have the guts to face down Brown's inner circle.

    Wait until the position goes from bad to dire.

  4. You are getting like too many journalists Iain. Who would really, really like to be remembered as the politician who led Labour to an ignominious defeat the next election?

    Answer - none.

    That's why they keep telling us that Brown is the best man for the job, he can take all of the blame for them.

  5. I'm not sure Tessa Jowell is actually a cabinet minister

  6. You need to have a "none of the above" option

  7. None of em.

    They are all gutless feckwits.

    Not a single one of em is worth a rub and not a single one has even one ounce of courage.

    Lampposts for the bleedin' lot of em!

  8. It is looking likely that no of them have the cajones - perhaps another by-election defeat will help?

    The only man that can really do anything is Gordon Brown - and he needs to do the most dignified thing and call a "put up or shut up" leadership election. Now.


  9. Only the women, it seems. Or perhaps the two of them (at my last count) in the cabinet who are not called 'Harman'.

    Or perhaps even HH when push comes to shove. Then they're really deep in it!

    Only the resurrection of Blair gives them a real chance, imho.

    Btw, what are you guys going to do about the dearth of female MPs in your own parliamentary party?

  10. Dizzy is going for Ms Flint.

  11. Caroline Flint is Labour's Sarah Palin. PILF

  12. you'd get a more accurate result if you allow a 'none of the above' response.

  13. If Caroline Flint played her cards right on a dark night when the neighbours were away and the missus had gone to stay with the daughter after I'd had a few pints of Guinness, some fish and chips and a hard boiled egg...

  14. Your survey is meaningless as it doesn't have boxes for "None of the above"

  15. Looking at your list of possibles, it struck me how poor a Cabinet they are. Is there anyone in that Cabinet that you would trust to run a whelk stall let alone a Department of State? Nonentities rub shoulders with hasbeens, whilst those happy to suck on the teat of the public purse sit alongside the unprincipled sucker-uppers. What a bunch of ...

  16. Totally agree that for Q1 there should have been a "none of the above" option. I didn't vote for anybody in that section because I don't consider that any one of them - not one - has the guts to tell the Comrade Chairman McBroon that the jig is up.

    But wouldn't it be wonderful if Balls could be ordered to act in complete contrast to his name and be fingered with the task of telling the Comrade Chairman that it's all over.

    This egregious creature and his wholly inadequate, over-promoted spouse, together a disgusting personification of all that Peter Oborne rightly castigates in his book The Triumph of the Political Class, have fawned and lickspittled on Broon for many years. For Balls to be forced to tell him to fall on his sword would be poetic justice indeed.
