Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Could Cairns Open the Floodgates?

First it was a backbench MP.
Then it was a junior whip.
Next it will be a Minister of State.

When will a Cabinet Minister get some cojones?

David Cairns is expected to make a statement later this morning confirming that he thinks there should be a leadership election. Cairns is Minister of State at the Scotland Office and played a leading role in the Glasgow East by-election. He is said to be reluctant to performa similar role in Glenrothes, which he thinks is a lost cause.

Frantic last minute attempts by the whips and Number Ten are thought to be being made to dissuade him from this dramatic course of action.

On its own, the resignation of a Minister of State will not topple Gordon Brown. What it will do is encourage other Ministers to think the unthinkable. Whether it will encourage Cabinet Ministers to do the same is unclear. I suspect it will take more than one ministerial resignation to do that.

Coming later.... who are Labour's men in grey suits, and when will they act?


  1. "Coming later.... who are Labour's men in grey suits, and when will they act?"

    They are the men in white coats - and they will act when they have had him Sectioned....

  2. Or otherwise .... first it was a junior whip, then it was a backbench MP. Soon it will be someone no one has heard of.

  3. 'encourage other Ministers to think the unthinkable'

    You mean give up an excellent salary and postion of power with all the trappings that go with it?

  4. Has anyone heard anything about something called "Leeman" or something? Something to do with the end of the capitalism thingy-o?

    Where the government nationalises stuff because private individuals can't be trusted.

    I'm trying to find some-one to tell me what to think, and it's all gone quiet here.

  5. BBC reporting that he's not going to do it. Spinning No 10's line by the looks of it.

  6. "Cairns is Minister of State at the Scotland Office "

    and why isn't there an England Office complete with a minister of state for England?
    More celtic bias by the British government.


    now that there is a Scottish parliament why wasn't the Scottish Office abolished back in 1998 when the Scotland Act was passed ?

  7. I'm surprised that Cairns has been suggested, as up till now he's been an uber-loyalist, not to mention an a*** licking sycophant.

    I suppose he just couldn't face another by-election defeat in Scotland like Glasgow East (he is the Minister at the Scottish Office, anonymous at 10.46).
    Working for Des Browne must be a drag as well.

    Don't think he will be doing this for future advancement, but he could always go back to being a RC priest (if they would take him).

  8. Iain I wish you would do something about what you think would happen next. What do you think the Labour Party are weighing up?
    The way I see it if they get rid of Brown they have a blood bath followed by an election so its not a good idea .Dunno.

    What are the scenarios (ugh)?

  9. It would certainly build up the pressure and make Cabinet Ministers think about jumping.

    Interestingly rumours have abound Westminister of Ruth Kelly wishing to stand down in the near future. What better way of ensuring her legacy than inducing a change in Labour leadership?

  10. I want to be a Tory@10.49 - try Guido, you'll get lots about the financial stuff, but he puts up with even less whingeing about the blog than Iain does.

  11. Thanks JUDITH - I'm not here to whinge, and I've recently found a Jeff Randall piece in the DT so now I know what to say to my pesky lefty acquaintances.(apparently it all proves that capitalism is in rude health , that Northern Rock should have gone the same way as Leman and that all the banks should be allowed to go pop if that's what it takes. Phew!

    Apologies for disturbing the hot discussions.

  12. It's the afternoon, and Mr Cairns's head seems to be still in the conventional location between his shoulders. Could it be that a clunking fist has been tenderly massaging his neck?

  13. Judith, I've looked at that site you pointed to (Guido) and it's disgusting!

    Full of swear-words, and sarcasm. I can only think it's a parody of ultra-extremism, but it turned my stomach just to read it.

    I didn't dare leave a comment, thanks for the warning, and I'll be asking my IT people to give my machine the once over. Ugh!

  14. "Could Cairns Open the Floodgates?"

    Remind me of who he is.

  15. ...a tory said...

    "I've looked at that site ... (Guido) and it's disgusting!"

    **** off. You ****

  16. I still think Brown's going to hold on for a while yet...
