Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Top 50 Liberal Democrats: Part 4

The final part of the Telegraph's Top 50 Liberal Democrats list appears today HERE. I missed off 11-21 yesterday, so I list that here too.

1. Nick Clegg
2. Vince Cable
3. Chris Huhne
4. Chris Rennard
5. Paddy Ashdown
6. Charles Kennedy
7. David Laws
8. Simon Hughes
9. Danny Alexander
10. Paul Marshall
11. Shirley Williams
12. Norman Baker
13. Tom McNally
14. Ed Davey
15. Lord Carlile
16. Evan Harris
17. Graham Watson MEP
18. Lembit Opik
19. Norman Lamb
20. Baroness Neuberger


  1. This blog is going the way of Channel 4 - can't come up with anything interesting to fill the schedule?

    Do a top 100 list!

    Always works.

    Next: Iain's top 20 East Anglian gastropubs.

  2. A few on that list look they will cease to be MP's at the next election! Which is great!

  3. Is this influential in the party or influential in general?

  4. Huh ? Susan Kramer is not even on the list ?

  5. Shirley Williams, a true statesman, is ranked too low; top 5 I would say. Decades of experience; never out of touch, always relevant, enlightening.

  6. You forgot to publish a list. Whatever next? No wonder the FTSE did not recover today.

  7. You missed 21 (again).

    Call yourself a blogger? This is shameful.

    "Top" Liberal Democtrats, indeed.
