Thursday, September 18, 2008

Aylesbury Awaits...

Just about to drive to Aylesbury to speak to David Lidington's constituency association. I have been told the natives are friendly. Let's hope they remain so after my speech!

Anyway, sorry blogging has been a bit light today. Day job, and all that. Tomorrow I'll be watching the Ryder Cup working from home, so expect a bit more activity...


  1. Hasn't David Liddington got a bit of a reputation as one who is not too sympathetic to the issue of homosexual equality (and a voting record that reflects this)? He's also quite sensitive about it - when he was in a local school recently talking to the VIth form, he got quite angry when one of the boys questioned him on it. I wonder if you might bring up a similar topic of conversation?

  2. Indeed they are!

    My online name lives in Ayslesbury!

    His family had become Anti-Blair by 1999! Never to vote for Labour again!

    Though Martin liked Labour in 1997, he rapidly became distant with them and indeed is likely to have spurned them by now!

    The place you are at this time is a Tory bedrock! Splendid! The MP is a good man!

  3. Last comment was by Martin Day aka

  4. Congrats
    take some time off as things have be awful quick recently !!! Love the Ryder cup

    What with banks and GB and his mess with the labour party

    but take time to think about the humble bee, responsible for so much polination. He has a major problem in that a virus is killing him out

    This could be more serious than all the above

    Can we motivate some one to take notice please

  5. Odd you think your blog is light today. I would say it has been at its best for many a month.

  6. If you can remember that some lad sued Ladbrokes for not preventing him gambling and the ejeet bet 200 grand on the Yanks winning the last Ryder (and he won his case!!) - well, obviously I'd never bet against Europe but I think this ones gonna be the closest for a while. That's as far as I'm going to speculate (or is that a dirty word now?) Be nice to see Poulter do well.

  7. Better friendly than comatose.
