Monday, September 22, 2008

Snippets from Manchester

* The city of Chester's delegate has had her pass withdrawn and booted out of Conference after bumping in to David Milliband. She told him that he was a disgrace for the way he is "plotting" to bring down Gordon Brown. Miliband's people complained and they have now withdrawn her pass as a result.
* Arrived at my hotel, the Malmaison. Very impressive. Rooms decorated like an old style western bordello. I imagine.
* I am told that Tory defector Quentin Davies is cutting a rather lonely figure at the conference. He was spotted last night leaving the secure zone at about half ten last night on his own, just as the parties were kicking off elsewhere. Today he was seen hanging around the side of the conference hall looking like the kid no one wants to talk to in the playground. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
* Last night James Purnell was in the bar of the Radisson. He was drinking a half pint. He's never going to win the backing of the beer and sandwiches crowd with an effete habit like that...


  1. Awwww poor poor Quentin, so very sad.

  2. Purnell is a half pint.

  3. you did well to get the malmaison -perhaps further from the action than others but a much better hotel than most will be staying in. It's the one visiting rock/pop stars and football teams are usually holed up in

  4. which delegate from Chester - do we know.

  5. I'm not surprise Purnell only had a half pint. He'd obviously had so much earlier in the day judging from the fairytale quality of his speech. Frankly, as FU would say, he's got no bottom.

    Re the delegate from Chester, could it possibly have been the sweeter than sugar Dunwoody filly? Her of the noble losing speech and angelic temperament?

  6. Iain, any chance of a link to 'Stool Pigeon' by Kid Creole and the Coconuts dedicated to Quentin ?

    '..but he couldn't buy any company..'

  7. Never understood the fuss about Purnell. To me he's about as impressive as scabies and garners approximately the same level of support.

  8. Quentin Davies is cutting a rather lonely figure at the conference

    I'm thrilled to hear this evil, greedy turncoat is miserable. He sold out his party thinking he could stay at the trough longer. Now he's going to lose it all and he's got to waste days of his crappy life at the Labour Party "conference". He despises them and they despise him, and it's the kind of "conference" where lowlife like him are meant to siddown, shuddup and be told what his views are.

    You'd need a heart of stone not to laugh.

  9. Could the chester delegate be alex tate?

  10. Please say which delegate was barred for being unpleasant to Milliband Iain. Can't find any mention of this elsewhere in the media, which is either chilling in it's own right, or else your story is a fabrication. Which is it please?

  11. Was the "secure zone" to protect him from Labour delegates.

    Schadenfreude is not nice but the man so blatantly switched parties for peronsal advantage that his subsequent pratfall has been hilarious.

    The piece de thingummy would be if he had a second conversion, announced that he was returning to the Tories and was turned down by Cameron. No thanks, Quentin.
