Monday, September 22, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Name of New Official Tory Blog Revealed

In a couple of hours the Tories will officially name their new blog. It's going to be called The Blue Blog. Snappy, eh?! It will form part of the newly revamped website, which will go live in a few days time. From the shortlist they had, I suspect it was the best option, if not very daring. With a name like that, there are bound to be others in different sectors, but so what.

It's interesting that both the Labour Party and LibDems have also revamped their websites in the last few weeks to coincide with their conferences. The Labour one is a vast improvement on what they had before, but I still think the LibDem one looks to messy and difficult to navigate, even if it has far more functionality than the previous version.

A lot of us are expecting big things from the new Conservative website. I'll bring you news of it when I have it.


  1. The Blue Blog?

    Are they looking for passing trade from the Kleenex + internet brigade?

  2. The Blue Blog reminds me of boarding school and the aftermath of a leaky Royal Blue ink Parker pen cartridge deposited on all fingers of both hands, followed by the urgent need to pick a particularly itchy nasal passage, and the resultant mainly blue and partially green product on the tip of the withdrawn finger tip.

  3. The Blue Bog for instance?

  4. Soon to be the "Sorry, this blog has been closed down for lackof interest" blog,

  5. Reminds me of the Blue Room blog for Strictly Come Dancing. However, I am told that this is considered more serious than the rival pink forum.

  6. Did Eton Dave not suggest a name-he's full of er ideas?

  7. Some-at to do with Sexual shenanigans, in the tory totties and boys. Blue Blue!!!!

  8. Earth shattering news.

    I can picture it now as tommorrow's Torygraph headline.

    Blue Blog
    Iain Dale exposes the story that everyone has been biting their finger nails over!

  9. They should have called it:

    Nick Clegg = Neil Kinnock!

  10. I suppose its better than the blue-rinse blog, but not much.

    I don't see whats wrong with The Tory Blog. I am quite proud of calling myself a Tory.

  11. ok, now i'm confused... are the Tories blue or green? Maybe the Cyan Blog would be more apt.

  12. A lot of us are expecting big things from the new Conservative website.

    Oh please dont say that... now I'm sure to be disappointed.

    Wait, of course, it should be called the Obama Blog...

  13. I'll be interested to see if anyone is permitted to go off message or criticise Call me Dave.
