Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sado Masochism at the LibDem Conference

There, that got your attention. A reader alerts me to this snippet from today's Guardian Diary...
But perhaps we shouldn't have been surprised, for these are the times in which we live. The old ways are dying out. The rules mean nothing. What other conclusion can there be following the shameful events at a Christian Aid-Liberal Democrat fringe meeting in Bournemouth yesterday, when a protester brandishing handcuffs slapped them on to the wrists of an executive from E.ON - the company promoting the controversial Kingsnorth power station scheme in Kent - only to take them off again after five minutes' barracking from the audience and from the chairman. This is what passes for militancy these days. Sad, really.

My flabber is ghasted.


  1. And if that was not enough, wasn't there some form of 'punch-up' at the conference ? Or is that over-egging the pudding ? Any details of this, ahem, 'altercation' ?

  2. Full details of altercation here.

    He should be suspended from the party.

    DISGRACEFUL. Our very own John Prescott

  3. Christian Aid-Liberal Democrat fringe meeting ??


  4. Alternative Headline:
    "Desperately Scraping the Barrel for a Negative Story at the Lib Dem Conference"

  5. Your flabber seems to be ghasted every few weeks...

  6. After browsing with the great Slugger O'Toole, it suddenly crossed my (on the second bottle now, so impeded) intellect that -- give a hung Parliament, and a desperate Tory househusband -- the LibDem Conference could be more significant than the Northern Ireland Assembly.

    Oooh, nurse: the screens! I've got the conniptions.

  7. Iain, I wish you would start a thread going on the abysmal quality of the speeches at the LibDem irrelevance, sorry conference.

    Earlier this evening I watched (endured?) a speech by one Julia Smith, only to be appalled to discover that she is actually a LibDem MP!

    Apart from the fact that she was obviously reading a complete text verbatim, rather than making a speech from notes, her oral delivery of the (already turgid) text was truly awful: emphasis in manifestly all the wrong places, sentences disjointed, and a voice devoid of any expression. Calamity Clegg must be quaking in his boots that she might mount a leadership challenge........

  8. were going for your British banks tomorrow
    get out while you can

    I love the smell of money

    we rule the world and you cannot do anything

    Capitalism I love it

  9. Clegg is a Tory
    what do you mean

    check his membership (as a student)

  10. Prescott was actually attacked
    unlike the Liberal MP

  11. What has 'Christian Aid' to do a power station? Perhaps they want the lights to go out here so that more Africans can come to Great Britain and be missionaries?

  12. And in other important LD news, Nick Clegg will ring 250000 voters with the help of an automatic telephone dialling system, to explain his "policies".

    Isn't that just what everyone needs at this turbulent time, a phone call from a computerised cold-calling Liberal Democrat. Even the flesh and blood ones sound like automatons.

  13. Michael St George said...
    "Earlier this evening I watched (endured?) a speech by one Julia Smith, only to be appalled to discover that she is actually a LibDem MP!"

    She isn't an MP.

  14. freedom sado mazo
