Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nick Clegg and the Number 30

So Nick Clegg said £30 when he meant £90, when asked how much the state pension was. Remember the last time he answered 30 to a question? Hmmm. He surely can't have meant 90. Can he?


  1. and he also this morning on the Today programme said millions of tax cuts when he meant billions, I assume.

    Does not breed confidence

  2. Maybe he didn't count the ones he had 39 with.

  3. Paxman wiped the floor with him last night on this very subject..useless but long may he reign as leader of the lub dums....

  4. Has anybody asked him to spell potato?

  5. Certainly the number 30 keeps cropping up around Clegg, maybe this will be the number of LD seats after the next election? This number would include gains off Labour to off set Losses to the Tories. I think LD's are talking about 20 gains off Labour........

  6. I bet he knows how much his MP's pension will be and it will be a lot more than £30.

  7. Actually this is really serious.To think that the Leader of a major political party thinks that single old folk are living on £30 a week shows how out of touch these people who aspire to lead, are living in a completely different world. But its a case of them and us.I am reminded of an old retainer friend of a very well known family who once asked The Duchess for a "raise" and Her Grace replied "But what do YOU want money for!" She wasnt being mean, she just felt my friend was a different sort of being put on earth to labour and not to ask for any reward.

  8. Mr Clegg should reflect on the anonymous Victorian author of the 4,200 page pornographic autobiographical volume, "My Secret Life", who claimed, in vast detail, to have pursued, bedded and had intercourse with 1,200 women and "examined the c**ts of a further 300" (one of his favourite pastimes).

    By comparison, Casanova Clegg is a mere babe in arms.

  9. "Not more than 30" was the phrase.

    Could mean just 1, which I suspect is what he told his wife afterwards!

    Not more than 30 really does mean the number of seats they will have - even the Lib-Dems themselves think they are toast.


  10. The LD's are doomed - DOOMED!

    They are a truely repugnant, nasty, nay evil set of cretins who cry and whine whenever there wrong doing is exposed or make pathetic excuses.

    In some respects each Tory gain off the LD's at the next election is as satisfying as 3-4 gains off Labour.

    The LD's need to be ground into dust and I defy any Tory not to enjoy the spectical of these nasty little devils being crushed into the ground and trying to spin there defeat!

    LD, LD, LD - Out - Out, Out!

    Yes I hate the LD's and they know it! My hope is Jeremy Clarkson will take up the Tory Mantle in SHeffield Hallam to defeat Clegg! Mind you on Clegg's recent dismal performance the Invisible man could front a better image to the people. If I were the Tories I would be contacting all the pensioners in Sheffield Hallam and saying Clegg is certainly not on there side and certainly does not know the suffering of the people. Clegg is damaged goods.

  11. That gaffe will be the end of Clegg. He clearly has not got a clue about real life.

  12. The only one person qho is both doomed and damaged goods Martin , is yourself - to perpetual unemployment . The personality and judgement you display in your posts here and elsewhere show that something is extremely wrong with you akin to Mr Oakley in Watford but even more serious .
    It is no wonder that even your temporary employment by the Conservative party ended in an unamicable parting .

  13. You're our man on the spot, Iain; you'll have to ask him !

  14. So, how many sexual partners did he have again?

    Maybe it was 5...knuckles.

  15. Mark Senoir: Wha Wha Wha - You are a baby!

    Change the record!

    The LD's are doomed - DOOMED!

    Actually if the Tories enlist Clarkson in Sheffield Hallam, Clegg will be Jeremy Clarksons road kill!


  16. Mark Said:

    temporary employment by the Conservative party.

    Who ever said it was temporary?

  17. Nick Clegg might not know how much the state pension is. But if you asked David Cameron the same question, he would reply "The what?", or with a blank-faced silence. He has no idea that there is a state pension at all. And let's keep it that way, lest he, Osborne and Purnell abolish it.
