Sunday, September 28, 2008

Diary of a Conference Slut

I've just done a guest blog for the new Conservative Party Blue Blog. It's mainly about my twenty four years of attending party conferences. Here's how it starts...
Lovely to see Shazia Awan's conference diary in which she describes herself
as a "conference virgin". I did suggest that since this is my twenty fourth
conference the Blue Blog might title this offering as the Diary of a Conference
Slut, but that was felt to be too near the knuckle for those in the Party of a
more delicate disposition. It sparked off memories of the 2002 conference (at
least I think it was 2002...) when I was running the Politico's Bookstore stand
and Ann Widdecombe was selling one of her novels by doing a passing imitation of
an East End barrow boy. "No sex, no violence, no swearing, buy your very clean
novel here," she screeched to the admiring throng. Not a very good sales pitch,
I thought. After all, without a good dose of sex, violence and swearing, a
Conservative Party Conference wouldn't be the same, would it?

Read the full blogpost HERE.


  1. Hmm. That last sentence is one of those useful reminders why I don't go to conferences...

    There has been some very good stuff so far, I found (on Parliament Channel) including Boris being his excellent self, and several very quotable lines. I have picked a very good one by Liam Fox for my own 'blog's quote-of-the-day.

    The pitch seems to be just right, and as Cameron said it should be this year. I do hope you're enjoying it, and that the excitement doesn't pall after two dozen such attendances.

  2. I think Gordon Brown is guilty of much Hubris on the subject of markets, economics and public spending.

    Gordon Brown created the framework that has caused Northern Rock and indeed B & B this weekend. It is no good Gordon Brown blaming the United States. The credit crunch is equally affected in the UK by policies and frameworks Brown has implenmted. Remember, British Banks work within British regulations! Brown failerd to regulate the boards of Banks and the business models these institutions followed.

    The 'era of irresponsibility' was brought in by Labour in the United Kindom. Brown was the man who drew up the regulatory system, which he still has not dealt with after Northern Rock or Indeed Standard life, which crunched 8/9 years ago.

    Brown goes on about Boom & Bust and taking tough decisions but he has failed on all fronts and deffered tough decisions to the next non-Labour government.

    Null Point for Brown! He should GO!!!

  3. I am already bored to death. For God's sake talk about football. Anything but the Conservative Conference.

  4. Labour have raped the wealth creating dynamic in this country. This is not the richest 10% but the hardworking folk, retired or profesionals and self employed who comprise between 30% and 90%, just below the rich. The idle and the parasites represent below 30% and Labour, have just left them to fester as Prostitutes, crack addics and common criminals.

    Labour have failed on every front, from economic competitiveness, to being tough on crime and the causes of crime to providing the country with well run public services at minimum cost. Instead Labour have perverted and warped everything they have touched and it is falling about as quickly as this countries financial institutions.

    Labour need to be hung, drawn and quartered for this and a red hot poker shoving up each Labour MP's bottom (No washing it between each insertion either!).

    Labour are doomed at the next election and the LD's will be beried in the same coffin!

  5. Any guess as to the reaction if Dave or any other member of the shadow cabinet had been pictured dressed up in a nazi outfit ala Mr. Y. Cooper - even if it was 20 years ago?

  6. Martin Day said...
    "This is not the richest 10% but the hardworking folk, retired or profesionals and self employed who comprise between 30% and 90%, just below the rich. The idle and the parasites represent below 30% "

    So that's up to about 130% of the population?

  7. Mark2,

    Thanks for your positive contribution, I am baffled by your calculation and can only assume you are Labour/LD poster to come up with such a strange comment.

    Labour have raped this country with full co-operation from the LD's. The Labour/LD enemy within have screwed up the economy, the country and our collective futures.

  8. You still got that fifty quid note?

  9. Tory Tart,Conservative Concubine ,Tory Trollop,Conservative Call Girl,Hall hustler ,Hall Harlot
    Whore of the Hall etc.
    You are the good time thats been had by all, metaphorically speaking ,have him (metaphorically )washed and brought to the tent of ..(insert important person's name ).

  10. Martin Day said...
    "Mark2, ... I am baffled by your calculation."

    I sympathise with Mark2. I had to read your comment four times before I was able to make sense of your percentages.

    You obviously have difficulty in expressing yourself when it comes to the use of numbers and percentages.

  11. I pray the activities mentioned in your last paragraph won't happen as Brown and his tabloid thugs would make hay with anyone caught doing those things, no matter how peripheral to the party they are.
    But for the 1st time, I'm actually listening when Tory politicians speak. Hague came across as very thoughtful and intelligent yesterday. 1st time I actually listened to him. Ditto for your party leader.
    It seems for the 1st time, I'm now thinking of voting Tory in a positive way, not just as a way of getting rid of the other lot. My husband feels the same way.

  12. AfricanMum typifies what a lot of us have been finding on the doorstep and elsewhere for a while now.

    People who had just ignored the Conservatives in the past are now reading the newsletters and listening to the interviews, and indeed will perhaps this week even be following what happens at the conference.

    What those of us working "on the ground" found a year ago, which was widespread anti-Labour voting intentions, has been transformed to a large degree into pro-Conservative, as people learn more about the modern Conservatives and like what they find. I expect this trend to continue...
