Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Daley (Half) Dozen: Sunday

1. John Redwood explains why he is against the nationalisation of B & B.
2. Tom Harris on why the LibDems haven't got any shadow anythings.
3. Tory Diary has five of the Tory posters on display in Birmingham.4
4. Rene Lavanchy has some interesting Labour reshuffle speculation.
5. Shazia Awan explains on the Blue Blog how she lost her virginity.
6. Charles Crawford on Denis MacShane, Chris Patten and Europe.

Sorry for the short list today. Have to go to bed now. Am chairing a fringe meeting at 7.30 in the morning. YeGods...

Anyone in Birmingham, don't forget the Freedom Zone fringe at 12.30pm where I'll be interviewing David Davis, followed at 2.30 by the blogging fringe with Guido, Nadine, Dizzy and the Devil. I don't drink, but if you see me in a bar later on tomorrow afternoon you'll understand why I might need a double vodka...


  1. Fascinating in the independent today - apparently Cameron is sounding the retreat on his broken society claims

    Wow - does the guy believe anything the focus groups dont tell him?

  2. The last thing we need in the City is more regulation

    its bonuses that oil the weels

    its called capitalism and if you dont like it join another party

  3. Sign the petition against the nationalisation of the banks and call for No more City regulation

    Find us at our stand at conference today also stickers available for you students

  4. Didnt Boris refuse to call it a broken society
    however with Knife crime in London increasing he would

  5. Cameron was on the Andrew Marr show yesterday. Between the frequent interruptions by Marr he clarified his position on the "broken society".
