Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Jack Straw Omitted to Say...

You may not have heard of Sadie Smith. She used to write Westmonster but then departed for her own blog Sadie's Tavern. She is possibly the most acidic and most amusing female blogger there is. Today she has a right old go at Nick Robinson HERE for his evaluation of what Jack Straw didn't say.


  1. Is this the same Sadie Smith who is married to Jack Straw's special adviser, and is herself a SPAD at the Cabinet Office?

  2. Male bloggers are obviously in a class of their own, being much more acidic and amusing. I'm surprised you chose to highlight that she is female. Are you the most acidic and amusing gay blogger?

  3. Come on iain the big story has got to be David Cameron's bike being restored to him by The Sunday Mirror.

    Now, they couldn't have NO. NO that would be wrong. Maguire would not have allowed them - would he?

    But doesn't it smell just a little bit???

    Will Sir ian Blair be calling round to speak to Maguire?

  4. Anon 10.33pm,

    Quite right. It might now even be a criminal offence to distinguish between male and female bloggers.

  5. Where the Mirror there when the bike was taken? is this another fakery, etc?

  6. Guido has again highlighted the kernel of this post. Sadie is attempting to belittle Nick Robinson's speculation but we should be aware that such speculation is far more informative to us political laymen than a direct interview with a politician.

    NuLab politicians appearing in the media have reached the mastery achieved by John Major's ministers in their ability to avoid questions and proffer a mini party political broadcast in their appearances. Unfortunately our present generation of interviewers (Paxo excepted) do not have the ability to think on their feet and respond by questioning the answers offered by politicians. They merely follow their own list of prepared questions without probing any of the answers offered.

    So correspondents speculating, particularly where they are quite rightly expected to have inside information (as I'm sure Robinson has in this case), are far more interesting and informative.

    Not for the first time you've picked up the wrong end of the stick in this post. Sadie's post is of little value other than as an attempt to muddy the waters.

  7. she is pretty fit

  8. Iain are you saying that that is the best female blogging around? She's worse that Ireland.

  9. I think its a bit fatuous to imagine that silence has no meaning at this time actually. Straw has along history of blowing with the wind ......

  10. Just had a quick look at her site. She seems very boring. Not much to look at either.

  11. ???

    Eh? Did someone bang you on the head before you wrote this post?

    Sadie is possibly the stupidest, most ignorant, furthest up the Labour party's collective backside female blogger there is.

    What about Clairwil, Thylacosmilus, Snuffy at To Miss With Love or Trixy?
