Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Supermarket Tale of Two Norfolk MPs

Norwich North Labour MP Ian Gibson was on the Today Programme this morning bemoaning the fact that he now gets shouted at in supermarkets by angry constituents and it's all Gordon Brown's fault.

Later on this morning, Mid Norfolk Tory MP Keith Simpson was dragooned into shopping by his lady wife at the local Tesco. He was eyeing up a nice bottle on Pinto Grigiot when a rather attractive lady ran up to him and exclaimed: "Ah, just the man I need!" Preparing himself for some political praise, he straightened his back and drew himself up to his full six foot three inches. "Yes," the lady continued, "Would you reach up and get me that bottle on the top shelf, there's a good chap?"

Cue instant deflation, and a gimlet glare from Mrs S.


  1. Ian Gibson is a really nice guy, ex-director of a pharma, supports alot of charities etc.

    Having seen every previous left-wing Government crumple under their own mad-cap economics, it's amazing (a) he's a leftie and (b) he doesn't accept getting shouted at.

  2. He's up against it this time - his opponent is a very strong Tory candidate

  3. Nice story; but I think you'll find it's Pinot Grigio. Which reminds me: must get one of those on chill for when I get back from today's PPC selection...

  4. Being shouted at by their victims is the only thing Labour types have to worry about. So far.

  5. I can remember when John Charmley was Keith Simpson's agent. The pair were canvassing in Coltishall and didn't get a single negative response. Both men are over six foot tall and fairly broad shouldered. I can't imagine anyone opening their door to find these two gents blocking out the sunlight not promising to vote for them...

  6. Ian Gibson is my MP and is actually a rather good constituency, The irony is that he has been doing a bette job of opposing Labour for the last 11 years than most Tory MP's.

  7. Ian Gibson MP. An MP for an English constituency who posts a photograph of himself waving a saltire, says he wishes he'd never left Scotland, and has publicly described his own constituents as "inbred".

    Yes, I suppose you could describe him as a good MP by NuLabour standards.

  8. "His lady wife"?! Iain you sound like a 50s Rotarian or golf club president
