Tuesday, June 10, 2008

UKIP Demo Outside LibDem HQ

I just emerged into the sunlight from my bunker office in Cowley Street, not far from the House of Commons to find fifty members of UKIP demonstrating outside the LibDem HQ building. "We want a referendum," they chanted. It looked like a day trip out for the Surbiton Bowls club! It did occur to me that it might have been better to do it outside Labour HQ, as they are the ones who have actually denied us a referendum, but I imagine they were pointing out the illogicality of the LibDems' position in the Lords on this issue, where they have taken a rather different stand to the LibDem MPs in the Commons.

The demo might have been better timed too, because from what I can see, the whole of LibDem HQ seems to have decamped to Henley.

Now, if they'd like to stop chanting, we have a magazine to get to the printers today... [wraps cold towel round head for further bout of proof reading and tries to concentrate].


  1. UKIP protesting about the LibDems? This must count as the most pointless demonstration in history.

    When was the last time anybody protested about the Lib Dems?

  2. Totally off-topic Iain, but do you have any control over the ads on yours site?

    It's just there's rather a big one running for the Scientology video channel at the moment...

  3. The unspeakable in pursuit of the unprincipled.

  4. alex,
    They are just doing their job, perhaps the few eurosceptics in the Conservative party should also get out and do something. They would do well to draw people's attention to Dave's chicanery on the EU, we might then get a straight answer....well we might.... pigs might fly

  5. I can only count 25. Perhaps the view is different from your end of Cowley Street?

    Some of them seemed to be wanting a referendum on independence for West Berkshire. Or something like that.

  6. It would be much more fun if they were in Henley too!

  7. Are you going to spell TOWEL correctly in your new magazine?

  8. Iain,

    Who do you think is going to take over from Caroline Spelman?

    Guido has an interesting take on it over on his blog - between Grayling and Pickles. I think Eric would be great! What do you think?


  9. "a day trip out for the Surbiton Bowls club"

    Love it!

  10. Was it deliberate irony mis-spelling towel in the sentence about proof-reading?

  11. There is a rumour going around westminster that Clegg is about to jump ship and join UKIP.

  12. "wraps cold towle round head for further bout of proof reading and tries to concentrate"

    Shouldn't that be "towel"?

    So, tell us - when did you first get the urge to take up proof reading as a second career, Iain?

  13. I think their numbers gradually diminished...!

  14. You will be pleased to know that there are several other people proof reading :) [blush]

  15. Perhaps UKIP should be protesting outside the Irish embassy as well?

    Although the ease with which the Lib-dems are selling our freedoms down the river because of the EU is breathtaking.

  16. The Illiberal Dumbocrats said they would support a referendum and then when it came to it they didn't. Their peers have been told to vote against it rather than abstain. They hold the balance of power on this, they're abslutely the right people to target. If they were whipped to vote for the referendum then it would be passed in the House of Lords.

    Are there any supporters of the eurofederalist Conswervative & Unionist Party out and about? No? Thought not.

  17. Iain, do I take it from your two comments that you decided to give some of the protestors jobs as proofreaders?

    Or just a nice cup of tea?

  18. UKIP Demo Outside LibDem HQ

    ... so, "Very small war, no dead."

  19. Anon at 2.50pm: I don't know if you are a Conservative, but if you are, I presume you agree with your party's continued support of our membership of the European Union.

  20. It is known that all Tory activists are hip and with it, eh Iain....

    Ever occured to you that

    1) they are protesting (it's actually CIB which many tories are part of) because the Lib Dems hold the balance in the Lords where the vote is tomorrow

    2) Other activists are at work and these people are protesting in their spare time because they care so much.

  21. UKIP obviously really want to join the Lib Dems and secretly love everything the lib dems stand for. If the UKIP care so much about the UK. Why do they not support Europe being free and united. Rather than supporting extremist islamic facists, Chinese communists, and europe hating amercian facists who want to destroy our continent. It is obvious USA based extremist facists wants to break up our continent. So they can play us as fools and dump us as usual.
    What happens when China tkaes over as number one superpower where will be slave nation to the the USA, leave us then.

  22. I hope the UKIP geezers have full tanks of fuel. Calamity Brown has just issued a plea through the Brown Broadcasting Corporation to motorists asking them not to panic buy fuel before the Shell drivers strike. You have been warned....

  23. is that 'dirty euro' person real ?
    I'm sure that UKIndependence would let me know, as a member, that we were 'supporting extremist islamic facists, Chinese communists, and europe hating amercian facists who want to destroy our continent.'
    I'm sure we want a free europe, we perhaps have a diferent idea of what free means.

  24. It's a cross-party CIB demo. Fair game, if it gets their ermined floaters to figure out what they're up to, and people talking about it (as here!)

    I'd be there myself but for the day job. Lib Dems Wobbling Here.

  25. Stuart @3:38

    No, not a member of the Tory party - Ted Heath did that prospect in for me - also not a member of UKIP either, but I find I agree with most of their points.

    I read their web-site every day to find out what is happening in Europe. Isn't it ironic that to find out what is really going on in the EU - UKIP are demonstrably accurate on that - one has to go to the web-site of people who oppose it!

    Dave is too much of a poodle on the EU; unlike the later version of Thatcher who realised that enough was enough, but got knifed in the back by the Europhiles.

  26. So thats why I saw you the other week on my way to LDHQ....I was quite surprised to see you walk out of Cowley Street not an hour after reading your blog

  27. Lib Dems do some unspeakably awful things in local government. There was actually a protest at the Lib Dem Conference a couple of years ago of which I was part.

    And guess what? Lewes council backed down, eventually.

  28. haddock word of advice old boy, now you are on the hook.

    The UKIP de facto support evil Islamic extremists, chinese nazi commies and scum neocons who want to break up Europe. Divide and conquer. The UKIP play straight into their hand under the guise of speaking up for the people. Why else do neocons give so much funding to UKIP.

  29. I thought this was a C.I.B demo?
    Even so, good to see someone flagging up the fraudulent Lib Dems.
