Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Clegg Loses His PR Chief

David Singleton in PR Week has just broken the news that LibDem Communications Director Johnny Oates is quitting his job after only 15 months in the post. Here's their report...

The Liberal Democrats' comms chief is quitting the party and returning to his previous employer.

Jonny Oates is to return to Bell Pottinger Public Affairs after just 15 months with the Liberal Democrats. He rejoins as director of strategic media relations. News of his move comes six months after Nick Clegg took over as party leader. Since then, the Lib Dems have failed to improve their standing in the polls, dropping to 16 per cent in a recent ComRes survey.

Clegg has also earned the unwanted nickname 'Cleggover' following an interview with GQ magazine in which he admitted to sleeping with 'no more than 30' women. Oates was previously a director at Bell Pottinger, which he joined in 2004.

He left the agency last year to join the Lib Dems as director of policy and communications, overseeing a 14-strong media team and a further 14 policy and research staff.

So, who will now take on one of the most unrewarding jobs in British politics?


  1. Why don't you do it Iain, show us how good you really are...

  2. Or one could say that the LibDems have maintained and even improved on their vote share, despite the ever-rising Tory poll rating. I guess it depends on one's natural bias.

  3. Don't give PR week too much credit - I was told this last night, & then the Lib Dem press office released it at 9 this morning, only 3 hours before David Singleton wrote it up...

  4. The Lib Dems have a "14 strong media team"? How hard is it to say "2 horse race" or "Lib Dems Whining Here"

  5. Am I the only one to be a little surprised by the advert for the Scientology Video Channel?

    Don't know if you have any control over the adverts you show Iain, but I know more than one person who would consider this to be in very poor taste.

  6. I mist certainly do want a Scientology advert on this site. I haven't seen it on Google Ads at all. Will someone email me the domain it goes through to and I will try to ban it. Having said that, whenever I have tried to do that to other sites in the past it has never worked.

  7. The only person who could possibly be considering the job of PR for Clegg is someone currently doing the job for Gordon Brown....

  8. Well, at least he's not touting me for it this time round.

  9. I got that ad removed from my site pretty quickly and without any problem.

  10. Nick, I have never seen this ad on my site so I don;t even know its domain. Can you tell me how you did it?

  11. For anyone else, this ad's domain is www.scientology.org if you want to put that in your adsense competitive ad filter.

  12. Just what is the point of the LD party ? What do they stand for ? It was understandable when the SDP broke away from a very "old" Labour, even to later combine with the rump of the Liberals but nowadays they seem to be a way station for upset Labour voters who can't bring themselves to vote Tory.

    Their actions in the Commons on Lisbon were pathetic and cowardly to say the least.

  13. Maybe Clegg could hire that guy who runs the tory party I heard he used to be a PR spiv. And he will sell any old crap LOL. Look at the tory policies on Europe, the NHS, fx hunting, welfare, and cutting taxes on the super rich

  14. Dirty Euro

    Why have you dropped the "Socialist"?
    And why are you dirty? Are you referring to your mind, your bodily functions, your underwear?
    I think we should be told.
