Friday, May 23, 2008

Who Should Replace Jenny Scott?

I think today was Jenny Scott's last day on the Politics Show. She's off for a new career as Head of Communications for the Bank of England. The BBC is still considering who to replace her with and, I understand, will be "trying out" various female presenters alongside Andrew Neil over the next few weeks. Jo Cockburn has already had a runout and I understand Five Live's Anita Anand is also in the frame. Shelagh Fogarty, who presented the weekend breakfast show on 5 Live alongside Andrew Neil many moons ago, would also be worth a try, as her sense of humour complements his rather well.

Which other female broadcasters (and they will definitely go for a female) would you like to see given a trial run?


  1. please none of the repugnant five live presenters.

    Did you listen to the 9am call in? A complete spoiler effort against the Tories. Full of bile and venom.

  2. That bit of totty on 'The One Show' - don't know the name. As long as her contract requires her to wear the usual very tight, very short dresses and sit on a sofa with nothing twixt it & the camera ... oh sorry, was this a serious post - thought I was on Guido's site .... I'll get me coat.

  3. Jenny is as close to the perfect woman as anyone on tv imho.

  4. I think that wonderful person at CCHQ called Tamzin Lightwater has now achieved all she can there and should now make the move into broadcasting.

    In Tamzin we have a person that not only has some significant feminine charms, but also a deep sense of what is right in politics buttressed by an overwhelming understanding of history. The fact that she comes from traditional Tory breeding stock and is a member of her local Pony club can only help.


  5. Sian Lloyd – just think of the kicking she’d give Lembit Opik.

  6. Asha Tanna.

    Great eyes.

  7. Kate Silverton.
    I like Kate Silverton - she's a fellow alumnus of my Durham college.

  8. Nobody can fill this role. The program should be abandoned, all the tapes destroyed, and 5 days of national morning announced.

  9. I've heard rumours that Rajini Vidyanathan -- who is Radio 1's political reporter, and is also incredibly short -- is in the frame. She's been doing a bit of stuff on News 24 lately.

  10. 1) Zoe-Anne Phillips

    2) Zoe-Anne Phillips

    3) Zoe-Anne Phillips

  11. Anita Anand, you must be joking. She's a total lightweight!

    How about Tamsin Dunwoody, that poor unemployed single-mother of five is looking for a job, so I hear?

  12. Surely the real question is, "who should replace Andrew Neill, who is looking increasingly past it and almost as out of touch as Gordon is?"

  13. What's the thing about the older man needing to have a woman of an age approximate to his daughter to share the presenting role.

    The viewer is complicit in some sort of weird screen chemistry which draws uncomfortable parallels at worst with the Austrian dungeon molestor and daughter.

    At best, the girl's main role in the format appears to be the equivalent of making the tea.

    Drop the token woman bit altogether or else get someone of Brillo's age well able to muscle him out of the way. Can't think who.

  14. How about you Iain? ;-)

    Only kidding. Seriously, how about giving Konnie Huq a go? She's an intellectual giant.

    Only kidding.

  15. Laura Kuensberg

  16. Hows about your co-presenter from the local/mayoral elections

    - that's Emily of course!

  17. Anita Anand & Shelagh Fogarty-both brilliant with wit & humour-deserve the opportunity to castigate all and sundry-believe me they would & will!!1

  18. Andrew Neal as well as being a brilliant broadcaster is a terrific mentor. He brought out and developed the best in his former co presenter Daisy Sampson now McAndrew, and did the same with the wondrous Jenny whose loss to the programme today even takes the gloss of The Tories Triumph.
    However, a thought...where has the lovely Radio 3 presenter Stephanie Hughes gone. Her recital and concert introductions were fluent,sexy and well modulated and even to this old gay batchelor, a joy to behold when on TV. Can she be found and persuaded to join up with her native Scot?

  19. Jenny was seriously georgeous. The DP will never be the same, and the BBC has committed yet another unforgivable sin in losing her.
    A replacement? Anybody but the hideous Cockburn.

  20. I'd like to give Jo Coburn a trial..

    But what about Heather 'FOI' ?? She isn't a journalist, but she looks absolutely scrumptious, and when it comes to giving her a break I'm sure Andrew Neil would be willing to give her one..

  21. vicky - that is worth a round of applause [clapping..]

  22. What about Liz Mackean off Newsnight.

    Failing that Laura Kuenssberg

  23. Who was that lovely lady that John Culshaw was chatting up in city hall on london election night?

    Can you remind us Iain?

    She would be good. Smart too.

  24. Who else but Anne Widdecombe.

  25. All these Jenny Scott fans must have bee thinking with their willies. I never rated her. She is probably far too clever for telly anyway.

    Laura Kuenssberg should be the successor, which is like replacing a humble milkmaid with a princess.

    Sorry, I am giving my brain a rest today and letting my willy do the thinking.

  26. Sally Magnusson.
    Vastly experienced, still very attractive and Brillo's intellectual equal.

  27. OK, who's going to be first to write to Private Eye and connect the search for the (irreplacable) Jenny's replacement with that photo of Andrew Neill alongside unnamed young female.

  28. Close call between Gemma Garrett, Konnie Huq, Charlotte Leslie and Mrs. Timpson.

  29. Jo Coburn would be amused by the spelling Cockburn.

    Sned Victoria Derbyshire so Five Live can get a decent presenter on the phone in.

    But why does it have to be a woman presenter?

  30. Gloria De Piero

  31. I'll second Gemma Garrett.

  32. Heather Mills-McCartney. She's well good, innit?

  33. Yup, Gloria De Piero

  34. Jade Goody. She's well good, innit?

  35. I do hear one Tamsin Dunwoody, well versed in Politics, is looking for a position.

  36. Jackie Ashley, surely?

  37. Please let it be Shelagh Fogerty - she really holds back Nicky Campbell, a devils advocate par excellence.
    She could then be replaced with that husky voiced woman who stands in on drive and at weekends.
    Or what about the lovely Charlotte from I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue. She'd like sitting on Andrew Niel's right hand!!

  38. Laura Kuenssberg already worked as a reporter on the Daily Pol. She's got a much higher profile as a correspondent nowadays. And Asha Tanna may be jaw-droppingly beautiful, but she doesn't have the brain of a Scott or a Kuenssberg.

  39. anonymous 6:29 - Cockburn is a Scottish name and is pronounced Coburn.

  40. PLEASE not Anita Anand ! !

  41. Ronni Ancona - or if she is available - Lauren Bacall

  42. My fantasy DP team would be Bette Davis as anchor, and Stanley Unwin in the Jenny Scott role.

    You can see it, can't you? It would work!

  43. Gloria De Piero. Top totty and she'd stand up to Brillo as well.

  44. Rupa Huq ... and, yes, Andrew must go. Replace him with Piers.

  45. Reeta Chakrabati.
    Who suggested Piers ,a man now with a commercial advertising Britain's got Talent or something yet is sitting there drinking tea without milk but with sugar what a vile combination!!!!!!!!!

  46. A FEMALE to replace the fabulous Jenny! That's SEXISM! Christ, i'd thought we'd get some totty for the gayers- i was hoping Matt Barbet! Female wise Jenny is UNREPLACEABLE- except for that lass with the big hooter that occasionally takes over!

  47. ABAA - Anyone But Anita Anand. Used to hear her evening slot before the (v good) Richard Bacon. She's the type of interviewer to ask her question, not listen to answer, and ask her next question regardless of whether it still makes sense in light of what's just been said. Not up to it.

  48. Can't we get her cloned ? Or replaced by CGI ?

  49. Emily please and can we dump andrew marr and replace with andrew neil

  50. Whichever bird has biggest the boobs. Obviously.

  51. Jenny departure is indeed a sad loss. That 'Economics at Cambridge' background made a good basis to be able to challege some of the decidely dodgy ideas from innumerate guests that have floated across their table over the last few years.

  52. Sexist, sexist, discriminatory and illegal.
    Why has it got to be a girly?
    Time the Beeb was taken to court for this outrageous recruitment policy.

  53. 'That bit of totty on the One Show' - Christine Bleakley (at least if you're thinking of the Northern Irish totty)

    The husky-voiced woman on Radio 5 you're thinking of is probably Rachel Burden.

  54. Pamela Bordes.
    Seriously Emily Maitlis.

  55. Jenny is gorgeous in that true English Rose way. Very proper, smart and appears to not be a complete bitch. I wonder if she ever realised that once a cameraman was doing all manner of things to try and get a shot up her skirt and another time attempted to gawp down her blouse (the infamous swimming pool OB at conference time). I am surprised the producers did not realise.

    Laura Kuensberg was "passed over" for Jenny already, so I doubt she will get the spot. We need someone who is sharp enough to pin down the jelly and I don't think Laura has that edge. A good presenter, but not interviewer.

    Kirsty Young? She made a good fist of it on HIGNFY.

  56. Laura Kuenssberg would be superb

  57. Laura Kuenssberg would be superb at Crufts. As a presenter, of course.

  58. Anita Anand & Shelagh Fogarty!! Are you having a larf!

    Mind you, is there a female employed at the BBC who wouldn't stick on a ra-ra skirt and cheer for McLiebour?

    Anita Anand is the one who on her late night show made it VERY clear he didn't like Tories.

    Hey, they could always get Victoria Derbyshire. Oh god no!

    Why do they have to have some dopey bird anyway?

    Is'nt is sexist? Shouldn't they employ the "best person for the job?" Or does that only apply when women can't use thier gender to get a job (like the vile Harriet Harpie)
