Friday, May 23, 2008

Chicken Labour

Isn't it incredible that the Labour spokesman on the BBC by election programme was Chris Bryant and on Any Questions tonight we are treated to the elegant (but bakbench) tones of Dr Tony Wright MP. The BBC will have wanted a Cabinet Minister and been told that none was available. I wonder why that would be, then. I hear the sounds of chickens, not only coming home to roost, but afraid to grace the nation's airwaves to defend their Prime Minister.


  1. Oo - look at that. I turned on News 24, and there you are. I see the weight loss continues apace. You make good sense about not resting on laurels after Crewe. (And I reckon you can probably go down a size or two in shirts now, but that's not really relevant!)

  2. Could be a smart career move as surely its better to be a chicken (who runs away but lives to fight another day) than a turkey voting for Gordo, er, Christmas.

    Defending Gordo now and being associated apologising for with this catastrophic government WILL blight careers in Labour (nu or otherwise) for years to come...

  3. I'm not convinced they are all chicken. They're probably all far too busy shredding their expenses and plotting their trajectories into power - and possibly total domination of the World. On the other hand it's possible that they are just frantically mass-mailing their CVs and blitzing potential employers.

  4. Scared that Labour might change and become popular again, Iain? 2 years is a long time - if we renounce New Labour now, there's plenty of time to build up support behind a social democratic platform. And that'll beat vacuous Tory new-Labourish policies hands down: people are sick of New Labour, and they'd soon realise that Cameron offers more of the same if given a centre-left alternative.

  5. As someone who keeps chickens I find the use of the word "chicken" in this context totally offensive, and indeed, pollophobic. For the record, Mr Dale, chickens are not cowardly at all, they merely have a heightened awareness of health and safety issues.

  6. I give the WorldWar II analogy and Hitler. Brown is not Hitler in terms of odeous acts, but displays somewhat parallel symptoms sitting in a bunker and surrounded by a small cabal and refuses to believe that his days of governance are numbered. Despite the loss of territories he held and defeated armies in various parts of Europe, the Fuhrer still believed that he was right and best days of his governance was yet to be lived. Brown never seems to get into his head that he lost one of the safest Labour seats and he may have to go back to Kirkaldy and join a golf club. Like the Hitler's Prussian Field Marshals, Brown's senior cabinet members are reluctant to defend their leader, but instead like the Field Marshals who argued about defending their Fatherland completly ignoring the corporal who was sitting in the Berlin bunker, the '£600 plants claimant Beckett' talks about the glorious Labour. In 'any questions', Tony Wright's patronising answers indicated why Labour lost one of their safest seats. The LiDem teenager Sarah Teather was arguing like a secondary school student, and given her limited real world work experience, I wondered about the quality of her arguments.

  7. Never mind C&N, Johann Hari spent most of the programme haranguing Chris Grayling. No matter what is happening in the country Any Questions seems to inhabit a special leftist universe of its own.

  8. You'd think they'd be flooding the airwaves, trying to put their views across?

    But I think the problem is that few of them want to defend Gordon "loser" Brown in public. No wonder.

    That said, a few Cabinet ministers should go the the media and demand the PM steps down...

  9. Take a look at Matthew Parris's piece in Saturday's Times.

    He's calling for the head of Gordy if not promising to cut it off personally himself.

  10. The Caravaner is spouting crap on Newsnight right now.

    The arrogance is equally sickening and highly entertaining...

  11. This is not as bad a by election defeat as the tory hysteria claims. Labour lost with a 29% swing in 2004 in leicester south 2004.

  12. Paris is liar he claims the PM hates english people. What rubbish he is married to an english women do not spread evil bigot lies. Paris is as usual talking right wing facist lies.

  13. Aha ...shows that there really is talk of an end in the air . They are scared of getting blocked in of course.

  14. Chris Bryant has the sixth safest seat in Parliament (does anyone know what he did to be given such a plum constituency?). This means that he would be one of very few Labour MPs left in the event of a meltdown in 2010. Maybe he will even become party leader?

  15. shaun has it.

    new faces will emerge out of this. it cannot be the same old ones all over again. they are running for cover.

  16. Well, there's only so much the makeup staff can do to disguise the reddened, tear-stained eyes and haggard expressions. They aren't miracle workers, after all!

  17. Would YOU want to defend the current Prime Minister ? If you're an ambitious young Cabinet Minister you need to think of the situation after the next General Election and your leadership bid.

    Gordon is a loser and finished and nothing is less popular than failure so why would anyone in that position want to be tainted by it ?

  18. Never mind Chicken Labour - Chicken Cameron has backed down his English votes policy already, in an attempt to woo Scots voters. He says he doesn't care if it is unfair, because he doesn't want to be PM of England.

    He won't be. He will be replacing Gordon Brown and English First Minister, and as such, should be restoring democracy to us. We've had enough of this treatment under this lot and when the issue was brought up on doorsteps in Crewe and Nantwich, voters were told that Cameron would stop this unfairness. He lied. You all lied. You are no better than McLabour. You'll say anything to get in power and then stab us in the back when you get there.

    The only reason I shall vote Tory in the GE, is because a Tory government would spell the end of the Union. The Scots will not tolerate a Tory government and you all know it.

  19. On yesterdays PM Frank Field called for change adding something like 'I'm quite interested in politics but I couldn't name half the Cabinet'.

  20. 9:57 AM Thanks to the hig oil price scotland subsidies the rest of the uk by 18 billion a year, so lose your cash cow if you want.

  21. Anonymous said...
    Take a look at Matthew Parris's piece in Saturday's Times.

    He's calling for the head of Gordy if not promising to cut it off personally himself.

    May 23, 2008 10:31 PM

    Ahhh. Matthew Parris. That respected journalist who embroiders and pads out sixteen paragraphs to slitheringly conclude (last week) that Brown is mad!!
    AND - Surprise - 'Mr. Intellect' - did exactly the same to Blair.
    So just hold fast you Parris admirers, he respects no-one and in a fit of pique his typically spiteful meandering verbiage could be turned onto you.

  22. Why do the tories hate the PM. He lost an eye and a child. Why do they have such hatred to a man like that. They are full of hatred, and snobbish vindictiveness. They think they are born to rule.

  23. So, dirtyeuropeanimbecile, the tragic loss of Brown's daughter and the sight in one eye is meant to absolve him of being the the most inept Prime Minister this country has ever had?

    Of course it isn't, any more than his ill son has protected Cameron from vile class based attacks from cretins of your political stripe.

  24. 5:22 PM Thanks for saying I remind you of the former primeminister of Canada who defeated Kim Campbell. You are more of a Kim Campbell. It was not vile to make jokes about cmaeron being a toff. You really must have a rod up your buttocks if you think crewe was a dirty campaign. Grow up. Upper class people must have thin skin. I doubt you are upper class I bet you just some upper class guys stooge.
