Wednesday, May 21, 2008

UKIP: Going Nowhere in Crewe?

This picture rather sums up the UKIP campaign in Crewe & Nantwich, from what I'm told.


  1. Well, we are in a difficult spot. Timpson is clearly a very decent bloke who I personally would like to see in parliament. As Ukippers we are not a big machine, just individuals doing what we can to right obvious wrongs. When there are shades of grey or a positve vote for someone else, that is fine.

    Go Timpson!

  2. If they had their way, we would be going nowhere in Europe either

  3. Classic case of projection Ian.The UKIP is the tory's lost conscience.How painful to be reminded of those long ago days when your party actually used to believe in something....

  4. As you inform us in the previous post that you are in need of RAC-style assistance with your blog......

  5. It will be rather different come the next Euro elections, I suspect.

  6. Still on the old format Iain - where's your 4th (IT) Emergency service got to ? ;-)

  7. Naughty naughty. At least they have got off their backsides unlike most of us and are trying to end this most awful Labour Government.

    UKIP are also much closer to most Conservatives than Dave and Dave's party is on Europe.

  8. Classic case of projection Ian.The UKIP is the Tory's lost conscience. How painful to be reminded of those long ago days when your party actually used to believe in something....

    So true and also so very very sad.

    The EU is not just a problem it really is the ONLY problem worth concerning ourselves with.

    It would be a good idea to remind ourselves of a few simple and mind blowingly obvious questions.

    1. Why are we and the rest of Europe in the EU when virtually no majority of ordinary people want to be in the EU?

    2 Why the above when every single electable political party in Briton and Europe passionately seem to be completely committed to the project?

    3 Why the above when none of these seemingly diverse political parties can or wish to bother to explain to their respective electorates, what the benefits of being in The EU are. Especially when all the perceived benefits could just as easily be achieved by not being in a European Super state at all?

  9. I like you Iain, but that comment is petty and stinks of the suspicion that you know we're about to potentially cost you the election.

    We're not going to win, but I hope we play a part in costing your pathetic, spineless Party the bragging rights (until the next General Election, at least).

    UKIP haven't got much money, but if you Tories stopped taking your dodgy backhanders from bent millionaries(like the other two Parties) then you'd be broke as well I imagine.

  10. So what's your position on British membership of the EU and the Treaty? What's Cameron's position come to that?

    Much as I like to see Nulab in the mire I am not convinced about the NewCons. Probably like a lot of conservative voters. I also like the underdog. Don't knock them, they may turn round and bite.

  11. at least they know where they are going when they do get under way... and it is a road favoured by a great many voters.... as both the main parties will find out in the next EU elections.
    Those are the important elections, it is the EU that makes our laws.

  12. I know for a fact that Land Rover was driven up to Crewe from Telford by a very dedicated UKIP councillor and her husband who have given up god knows how much of their time to support Mike Nattrass despite running a successful business. How many "normal" Conswervative members (those with full time jobs and commitments) have travelled any distance to support their candidate in Crewe?

  13. We can do better than that Ian!
    We've seen the future Lib-Con alliance:

  14. "Much as I like to see Nulab in the mire I am not convinced about the NewCons. Probably like a lot of conservative voters. I also like the underdog. Don't knock them, they may turn round and bite".

    Which bent millionaire's are you referring to Anon?

  15. Oh the irony!! Weren't you complaining on this blog a few weeks back about your brand new Audi that inexplicably ceased working?

  16. Haa! Classic picture!!

    Bless them.

  17. Oh Dear - how pathetic of UKIP.

    It would appear that UKIP members have organised a campaign to 'hijack' a fun poll on the much read Crewe Blog via one of their supporters sites.

    The fun poll now shows UKIP first but eagle eyed readers have exposed their childish tactics.

    Everybody is waiting for the results to see if UKIP get less votes than the online poll!!!

  18. Here is the link - not sure if I included it in my last post?

  19. At least UKIP made it to newsnight. Timpson was nowhere to be seen. Did he have something to hide?

  20. I can't understand the people who criticize a group that's working tirelessly to restore British sovereignty. Those who won't fight for it don't deserve it, I suppose.

  21. When will the Conservatives come out and tell the public that they can do nothing at all about keeping Post Offices open, Iain?

    You all know this is an EU matter, and it is dishonest for the Conservatives to keep trying to paint this as a Labour vs Conservatives issue.

  22. RAC? That's funny, I thought most of UKIP's leading lights were AA members..

  23. Ian,
    UKIP had the best campaign vehicle in town........probably:
