Wednesday, May 21, 2008


As you may see, I have buggered up the code for my normal design, so have had to revert to the old design until the proper template can be restored. That won't happen until this evening, I'm afraid. All my fault. I copied some video embed code into the wrong place. Who's a stupid old Hector, then?


  1. But the really good news is that you're now a year younger (44 it seems.)

    If you could bottle your secret and sell it, you'd make a fortune!

  2. I wouldn't worry about it...

    You're getting to that age now when things technical just seem to be so damn difficult. Give it another couple of years and you'll be asking the teenager-next-door to come set your video for you.

    I jest of course ;-)

  3. Kinda reassuring that even blog gurus such as yourself can mess it all up sometimes...

  4. Can you say "buggered" on this blog? why not "Gordoned"? Or is that just too rude?

  5. Guten Tag, Herr Iain

    Vorry nicht

    It's the Contents we so enjoy

    We're not vorried about das Wrapping

    Alles Gute

    G E

  6. I prefer the old version but then I am even older than Ian.

  7. i thought you'd had a face lift

  8. Don't make him Chancellor though...!

  9. o/t
    Sky news showing Police Federation Conference chairwoman's speech. A very public dressing down for Jacqui Smith...

    "Home Secretary, what is it Mr. Balls has that you don't"

    "A multi-year paydeal on credit? Never, never..."

    Utterly withering. Ms. Smith does not know where to look. Her speech may be more fun than PMQ'...

  10. Don't hurry. This one downloads faster and had the blog text ready to read without having to scroll down !

    How about giving the punter a choice of which template to view ?

  11. "Kinda reassuring that even blog gurus such as yourself can mess it all up sometimes..."

    Hahaha. Hype believer.

  12. I prefer the retro look.

  13. FYi, the 'Ministry of Truth' blog link you have on the left hand side column seems to be dead.

  14. I prefer the old look...don't go back!!!

  15. Maybe you could use it as impetus for a change of look? I think your look is a bit 2004, but then maybe that appeals more to the majority of your readership who might be a bit more, ahem, sagely than myself.

  16. Leave it as is. The content is much more important than trying to jazz things up!

  17. Your new site was getting very slow and cantankerous to start up (at least on my PC). Hope you don't go the same way.

  18. I vote for the old one.

  19. Yeah, there was nothing wrong with the old template. Rather nice to see it back :)

  20. Another vote for the old one. It loads and faster and is more chic and understated. The new one is like someone's attic.

    Stick with this. It's more stylish.

    (Anonymous - yes "one year" younger. Ha ha ha ha ha! To each his own ...)

  21. Iain, forgive my bluntness but the new version is SHIT compared to this. This is classic, much easier to read and more confident in feel.
    Please don't change... I may start reading the blog again!

  22. I quite like the retro old skool feel of it, to be honest...

  23. I like the new blog. It looks more professional. This old one is too basic. Good luck getting it back.

  24. This one screams REFINED, ELEGANT, STYLISH.

    The new one looks like a microsite from The Sun.


    (Not just oldies... I´m mid-20s.)

  25. Re: John Pickworth- set your video..

    What is a 'video'?

  26. My God! I have just looked at your blog in Internet Explorer!!!!

    You are cluttering up the blog with so much crap. People moan on a regular basis about how long the blog takes to load. No wonder. I don't see half of it because of Firefox and NoScript and Adblock, but even what's left is a bit unwieldy.

  27. A vote for this old look as well...

  28. Don't worry Iain, we all do it. Mind you though, it's a good job you don't write code for nuclear missile guidance systems.

    You can just see it now....

    "Mr President, we just nuked Moscow because Dale put the close-bracket in the wrong place".

    Seriously though, on your new logo, the black-on-brown text is really hard to read.

  29. Well, you can see, there seems to be a concensus. The "new" template is unwieldy, inconvenient and has the feel of an old theatrical trunk that has everything stuffed into it.

    This one is more confident, sleek, assured and elegant.

  30. Prefer this, however dated, to the ad-heavy, lumbering one you've buggered up, presumably due to lack of a decent kip for some time.

    Saw you on the Sky paper review last night, with Kev Maguire. Your usual elegant demeanour showed up his usual thuggishness. More, please.

  31. K-eep


    Ian - your old layout was much better. Your new one has far too much crap on it. It takes ages to load and it discourages traffic to your site.

    Keep the old one!

  32. I prefer the old design

  33. Another vote for the old one. ie this one showing today.

  34. Don't listen to these old farts Iain! The new one is better, much better! ...and of course you get advertising revenue from the new version, which is far more likely to keep you blogging than a few comments from these retro-loving, "anonymous" bloggers.

  35. Look Mildred, that nice young man is back on top of his blog's title picture, nice picture, naughty but nice.

  36. justoneglass said...
    "Mr President, we just nuked Moscow because Dale put the close-bracket in the wrong place".


    You mean we've stopped targetting the French? I bet that poncy Francophile Blair is behind this?

    Next thing you know we'll be loaning them our aircraft carriers... or giving away our utilty companies. Jeeze!

  37. Essex Boy - "Retro"! Are they still using that retro old word? By the way, does a Georgian house look "retro"? Or does it look classic?

    I don't see why Iain couldn't make the same amount of revenue with this design as he did before. Those of us displaying our exquisite taste here are talking about the banner, not the body.

  38. Keep this one!!!!!!!!!
