Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Jacqui Smith Reaps What She Sowed

Delicious. It's hard to imagine Jacqui Smith had endured a more uncomfortable hour in her political career. Watch her squirm.


  1. Delicious indeed...

  2. Now that is priceless.

    Comedy gold.

  3. ... uncomfortable .... but not uncomfortable enough

  4. I had the good fortune to catch this as it went out,and it was rather delicious. I wonder what Jacqui will have to say about her tenure at the Home Office when her memoirs eventually comes out?!
    Actually, I think the memoirs of the members of the Brown govt., as & when they appear, will make interesting reading. More so than the current crop of score-settling, posturing & positioning diaries.

  5. Should have had it in the small print .."If the government fails to follow arbitration , the right to strike is automatically enabled"

    You would have thought that the rozzers fed. would know some good briefs!"

  6. and so she should be squirming.

    I'm sick of labour putting the fate of the economy on police pay.

    If they want a civilian police [work] force, stand by and wait for police adopting the good old work to rule that labour seem to want from all of us.

    No more "free overtime" Jacqui. Then we shall all see how much of police work is done on the basis of good will. You want clock punchers? You'd better be careful for what you pray for jacks.

  7. Delicious, but I can't help but feel that Ms. Smith and the other members of the junta will have their revenge.

    When an animal is backed into a corner, it lashes out, and I can see that with the polls slipping, Brown and co. will hit head down the path of mutually assured destruction.

  8. Good to see the MC of the conference (name escapes but an familiar face...) nail Jacqui's equivocal answer down which often gets by on most news interviews.

    Brillo is getting more impatient with this stuff, which is a good thing.

    word verification : rciwpc

  9. Totally well deserved but kudos to her for actually going, very un-labour like!

  10. I just loved the sheer gall of JD kicking the living sh*te out of our gormless Home Secretary with pointed humour without vendictiveness. This was sheer gold- i was in hysterics all the way through. Still did not feel sorry in the slightest for poor old Jacqui though!

  11. Have we ever had a more useless Home Secretary? Or Chancellor, come to think of it? Or Foreign Secretary? And who was that fat, adulterous, oaf who apparently ran the country when Blair was on his hols?

    In fact, has there been any NuLab minister of any serious capability since 1997? Oh yes, there was one; I forgot about Frank Field....

  12. I was going to say she had balls going to the conference, but as Home secretary its her job to do it. She had to go.

    She is pretty awful though isn't she?
