Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Dale's Tours: Crewe & Nantwich

This is the first episode of DALE'S TOURS, my new weekly slot for TELEGRAPH TV, in which I go round the country talking to Tory activists, councillors and candidates. It's part of the RIGHT ON programme. This week I talked to Donald Potter, chairman of Crewe & Nantwich Conservatives.

While in Crewe I also talked to people in the Market Place about Labour's scurrilous campaign. The reactions explain why the Tories ought to win.

And for good measure, I also had a chat with Eric Pickles, who is characteristically blunt. (I'm the one on the left).


  1. I want a good deal on a fortnight in Majorca in June or July.

    What can you offer me?

  2. ... but Iain

    We thought you were the man on the Right ....

  3. Oh dear god! Noddy shots!!

  4. Great interviews Iain, I loved your expression 'needles in my eyes'.

    I do hope that Potter and his crew get the vote out tomorrow.

  5. I am astonished at how good you are at this kind of broadcasting.

    You come across and properly interested in the public, you listen and seem relaxed. I am reminded of Michael Crick in complete contrast to you, who does a lot of these street interviews..he comes across as a self-important little tit, only interested in pursuing his agenda and the "line" for the story.

    Your style is refreshing and professional. I think you have found your niche.

  6. am i wrong in thinking that someone is shouting expletives in the background of the market place video?

  7. I like your interviews Iain, but for the sake of balance, can we not have some reference to the strange behaviour of your party member who sent confidential voter records to the local radio station?

    Or will this comment be filtered out as with so many that don't quite fit your cosy little wierd Tory boy world?

  8. I officially LOVE Eric Pickles!

  9. Laurel & Hardy may have dressed the same but you always knew one from the other.

  10. Well, i hope we are in for a good bit of telly tonight! Share of the C&N vote? With all the intuition of Mystic Meg, may i predict: Con-45%, Labour-23%, LimpLibbies-21%.

  11. Re above 11.14pm

    Very strange snippet last night on BBC Ceefax Page under latest news.I was watching "The Apprentice"(can't stand either Chelsea or Man Utd so football no go) so it must have been around 9.30pm quoting A list of 8,000 names of voters in C & N plus voting intention E Mailed to Radio Manx by some" local Conservative Official" unquote and calls for "Probe"(probably an anal one if the person was discovered by CCHQ) but just as mysteriously all mention of it dis-appeared around 10.30 pm last night and no mention to-day anywhere in media.

    Seemed at first to be the usual Labour "Dirty Tricks" practice to me on eve of poll but is it ? or is there a "mole" in the Tory campaign office ? Or some disaffected local ? Or just the usual foul up ? And why Radio Manx of all people ?

    (I leave it to your discretion whether you hang on to this or post it)

  12. Eric Pickles has not crossed my radar horizon before but what a great bloke!!!! Ah, if only all politicians were like him. well impressed!

  13. And another celebrity comes out to claim that Timpson is "not one of us"

    Yesterday, as polls suggested divine intervention was needed to save Crewe and Nantwich, Labour drafted in John Middleton, who plays the vicar, Ashley, in Emmerdale.

    The actor is a long-time Labour party member, and urged voters to turn out today for Tamsin Dunwoody. "She understands these people. The Tory candidate is from a privileged background. He's not close to the people of a place like Crewe," he said.

    The soap star autographed a Labour poster for Dave Green, 23, who said he would vote Labour. "She's a Dunwoody. Her mother, Gwyneth, did a lot for people down here. I'm voting for her."

    Sounds like Dave Green is probably not just somebody who happened to wander by.

    ps the Radio Station story was in Guardian and on Conservative Home.

  14. Great pieces Iain... you should seek out some production company interested in doing a whole series of these for every election or perhaps as regular pieces for the weekly politics shows?

    Travis bickle...

    Loved your quotes from John Middleton...

    On Dunwoody: "She understands these people"

    On Timpson: He's not close to the people of a place like Crewe"

    There's a real sneery tone buried in Middleton's words isn't there? I gather living with 'those people' in a 'place like Crewe' wouldn't be his first choice if it were offered.

    I really do hate these prats, Babysham Socialists.

  15. Ordovicius said...
    "Vaughan Roderick predicts Con majority of 6-8,000"

    Arhhhh the beginnings of the excuses...

    Over inflate the margin then cheer the fact that the Conservatives only won by a majority of 2000 etc etc.
