Sunday, May 04, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Sunday

1. It was YouGov wot won it says Adam Boulton.
2. Ben Brogan peers inside the court of King Dave.
3. Fraser Nelson on Brown's failed relaunch.
4. Iain Martin feels Gordon Brown's pain.
5. Mark Pack is first with a very weak LibDem by-election smear. Apparently the Tory candidate - whisper it - ran the New York marathon, shock horror! Can't be local then can he? Unbelievable.
6. Political wonders if Gordon Brown's future rests on Crewe & Nantwich.
7. Cassilis is a very naughty boy. Boris would probably see the funny side though.
8. Donal Blaney calls for some discipline.
9. Devil's Kitchen on examples of lefty arrogance.
10. Daily Referendum has the odds on a Brown departure.
11. Norfolk Blogger has a Wii in Fakenham.
12. John Redwood on a new agenda for Conservative Councillors.


  1. 13. Ordovicius wonders why politicians and the media in Wales are confused as to which parties gained how many seats...only bloggers seem to know

  2. 9. After reading that and all the wailing and gnashing of teeth on CiF and the like, I think it is safe to say that there is a new illness at large in the community; BDS, Boris Derangement Syndrome.

  3. Can't believe that you've not blogged on the news from Scotland that Wendy Alexander - with the apparant backing of Maggie Broon - has carried out the biggest u-turn since the Poll Tax and decided to BACK a referendum on Scottish independence. This - apart from destroying the Unionists Calman Commission days after its first meeting and being EXACTLY what the SNP wants - has huge implications on Broon's refusal to have a referendum on the EU constitution.

    Please keep up England!

  4. Crewe on May 22 is a short enough time frame for the negative-emotions to still be running high in the party, and a long enough time frame to give Gordon a chance to re-re-re-re-launch. So I think he will be critically assessed on the results.

    If Brown wins the Crew election he will have [a minor] claim to having a successful re-re-re-re-launch. Although it will of course be no such thing. This will keep New Labour grumbling over the summer, but I think the Party will be forced to back him all the way to the election.

    If he loses the Crew election Brown will hope to hang on until the summer when he can launch yet another re-launch at then conference.

    Talking of re-re-re-re-lauching. It's fun to look at the analogy with re-re-re-re-heating food and getting food poison. A quick google says

    "it's not actually the reheating that's the problem" "food poisoning usually occurs as a result of inadequate cooling and reheating"

    I think I would agree with this - that the problem with Brown's relaunching is not the quantity of relaunches but that they lack any ferocity - to kill the poison in the party. Let's face it 95% of the electorate don't even notice any of his relaunches.

    Because Brown lacks any backbone he's not going to have a heated relaunch and by the time of the next election the meat will be poisonous, dried up, look inedible and the electorate is not going to take the risk of eating it.

  5. 9 Is me guest-blogging at DK's place, not the Devil himself.
