Monday, May 05, 2008

April Political Performance Index: Boris Is Your No 1

Boris is king of all he surveys, now top of the PPI. In December he was in 12th place. Eric Pickles deservedly comes in for the first time at number 7. David Davis continues his slow drop, which is due to a lack of headlines over the past month. The 42 days issue should see him climb again next month. Caroline Spelman climbs an impressive eight spots, although not quite so impressive as Ken Livingstone's 24 place rise. Des Browne is the biggest fall guy with an 11 place drop, while Gordon Brown, Nigel Farage and David Willetts all drop 11. Hurrah for Harriet Harman, who, after five months, finally manages to climb off the bottom of the chart. With the end of the Mayoral contest Ken and Brian Paddick will drop out of next month's chart. Who should replace them?

1. +2 Boris Johnson 6.97 (6.22)
2. +1 David Cameron 6.86 (5.91)
3. - William Hague 5.90 (6.55)
4. - Vince Cable 5.70 (5.86)
5. - Alex Salmond 5.48 (5.78)
6. +2 George Osborne 5.46 (5.08)
7. N Eric Pickles 5.16 (NEW)
8. -1 David Davis 4.88 (5.21)
9. -3 Michael Gove 4.86 (5.38)
10. -1 Alan Duncan 4.68 (4.98)
11. -1 Chris Grayling 4.33 (4.57)
-1 Ian Paisley 4.27 (4.34)
13. +2 David Miliband 3.98 (3.70)
14. +8 Caroline Spelman 3.86 (3.46)
15. -2 Liam Fox 3.80 (3.91)
16. N Philip Hammond 3.79 (NEW)
17. +24 Ken Livingstone 3.72 (2.24)
18. -1 Theresa May 3.70 (3.63)
19. +1 Brian Paddick 3.68 (3.48)
20. -8 Andrew Lansley 3.59 (4.04)
21. -5 Nick Herbert 3.59 (3.65)
22. +7 Jack Straw 3.57 (3.13)
23. -5 Chris Huhne 3.40 (3.52)
24. +3 Rhodri Morgan 3.49 (3.18)
25. -11 David Willetts 3.43 (3.87)
26. -2 Nick Clegg 3.40 (3.40)
27. -8 John Hutton 3.37 (3.49)
28. -2 John Denham 3.29 (3.38)
29. -4 Alan Johnson 3.26 (3.39)
30. N Jeremy Hunt 3.21 (NEW)
31. -8 Hilary Benn 3.18 (3.44)
32. -11 Nigel Farage 3.16 (3.47)
33. -3 James Purnell 3.10 (2.90)
34. -3 Andy Burnham 2.87 (2.73)
35. N Andrew Mitchell 2.80 (NEW)
36. -8 Ed Davey 2.76 (3.14)
37. -4 Caroline Flint 2.70 (2.62)
38. -4 Jacqui Smith 2.57 (2.61)
39. -2 Douglas Alexander 2.48 (2.43)
40. - Hazel Blears 2.47 (2.26)
41. -5 Ruth Kelly 2.43 (2.47)
42. +2 Harriet Harman 2.37 (1. 98)
43. -8 Ed Miliband 2.37 (2.50)
44. -1 Alistair Darling 2.17 (2.03)
45. -13 Des Browne 2.04 (2.65)
46. - Wendy Alexander 1.95 (NEW)
-8 NEW Yvette Cooper 1.94 (2.27)
48. -6 Ed Balls 1.84 (2.06)
49. -11 Gordon Brown 1.77 (2.30)


  1. The narrative doesn't match the table. Come to think of it, wasn't Cleggy's walkout 2 months back? Has Iain reprinted last month's comments to the table?

  2. I voted Harman higher than usual because of her surprisingly strong PMQs performance, a lack of headlines about her criminal conduct, and her general provision of mirth from the government (a female John Prescott).

  3. Excellent! A well deserved result for our Boris.

    How good it is to see and honest politician in power again. Keep telling it as it is, Boz, that's why so many of us love you.

  4. New additions should be Hunt and Schapps.

    Both starting to perform well.

  5. Why has Caroline Spelman gone up??? She was rubbish on QT & AQ. I don't find that easy to say, I used to be a huge fan of hers.
    I know we did well in the elections, but isn't most of the credit for that going to St.Eric/Lynton/Bozza?
    Being election time I guess she might have been tired on those programmes. St.Eric was great on Newsnight though, totally spiked them.
    Other news from the Index: David Cameron overtook William Hague by quite a big margin.

    Who replaces Ken&Brian?
    How about Frank Field & John McDonnell?

  6. Crudas perhaps if he shows some backbone, could be intersting.

  7. Conrad, I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but Spelman was brilliant on the election night coverage. She put that obsequious little turd Ed Milliband completely in his place every time he opened his mouth.

  8. [QUOTE] said... New additions should be Hunt and Schapps. Both starting to perform well.[END QUOTE]

    Hunt already in list. Schapps should be based on original performance index which included him in top 40.

    Also, you should include an open performance index periodically, perhaps every 3 months to see who bubbles to the top naturally.
