Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sorry About the Odd Appearance...

... And I'm not talking about the GQ photo! As you can see, the graphics on the blog have disappeared YET AGAIN. All the graphics are hosted away from Blogger at my personal website via a virtual server. The problem was reported to WebFusion yesterday but so far they have done nothing about it. It's the second time in two weeks this problem has occurred. Last time I complained about WebFusion's service they went to great lengths to put it right. This time they have done nothing. If their customer relations people are reading this, they may like to get in touch.


  1. If they are anything like my webhosts they will deny that there is a problem until they have had a chance to fix it, at which point they will say "see, there isn't a problem".

  2. Always keep a couple of 50p pieces handy by the meter.

    It saves the embarrassment of the lights going out if you have guests.

  3. Presumably they will have 100s of sites baying for action and will be working hard to fix the thing.

  4. The graphics seem perfectly normal to me - of course it is difficult to know what you are supposed to see if it is not there!

  5. Where are the promised predictions Iain ? Its going to be a bit late at this rate.

    ...and when you next confront Hefferlump would you mind awfully not agreeing with him . His article about Boris today is a disgrace and motivated by no more than jealousy and the wish to parasitise the leonine one`s success.
    He really has outdone himself for small minded piggy eyed covetousness and the evidence that he was despised creep at school is plain to see.

    Do please tell him, ( or is that finished now ?)

  6. blue eyes
    when i worked in an IT department this is precisely what we did. In the end the problem was fixed and we were amused. After all as The IT Crowd demonstrates, people's interest in IT disappears the nanosecond the problem is fixed...until the next time.

  7. Iain,have you seen the Guido Fawkes item about Labour's using the pretext of condolence messages to Gwyneth Dunwoody's family to collect electionering data?At first I was amazed but that's turned to real anger.

  8. I'd rather have no graphics - they're not very exciting, take up too much space at the top and take a long time to load. Leave them off.

  9. Ian, Nadine Dorries' blog mentioned a press conference with David Steel and what sounded like a revelation being announced. She then falls silent on the subject. What happened?!

  10. I've noticed that recently your site has been slow to load. Most of it is OK, but it seems to regularly get stuck on the stuff that comes from

  11. I see you have no problem displaying your many adverts ;-)

  12. Losing your graphics must feel a bit like being censored.

    Not that you would know anything about that, Iain.....(-;

  13. Iain, have you been placed on a restraining order? Where is you response to last night's Newsnight? Didn't you hear Gordon on Today? Were you having a little lie down while PMQs was happening? Why aren't you consumed with rage over Labour's campaign to impose a one party state?
    The behaviour of the Labour Party and the BBC means that we won't be able to trust Thursday's vote. Don't you care any more?

  14. Why can't you learn from Brown, and admit that some people are prone to making mistakes?

  15. Your graphics are pulled from a server hosting:

    The server is owned by Webfusion so I guess its fallen over and needs attention. You can trace a route to their service when the trail becomes broken. Once the server is rebooted then the graphics will return. No big deal. Poor service though.

    Could be worse. Just ask Barack Obama:

  16. If you speak to your web-drudge, it should be possible to for the images to be cached, so they don't have to hit your webfusion host every time the site loads.
